
When Nicky (Anthony DeSando) was trying to impress Wendy "Whitebread" he made her what I think he called aioli. When he'd ordered it at the restaurant the waiter told him it would take too long to make now since they were so busy (at lunchtime). I thought aioli was just a sauce made of grounded crushed garli, olive oil and salt. It seemed to me when he was cooking it that he was just making her some linguini with a Tuscan virgin olive oil sauce. Not a southern Italian dish and Nicky was definitely remotely related to a family south of Roma. It's amazing how different the cuisine is in Napoli and in Milano. No matter - I like white sauces much better than red ones myself, but there's something spectacular about bolognese sauce (red) in an trattoria in northern Italy as versus what they call Bolognese everywhere else. But I was curious as to what dish Nicky was so enthralled with.
