MovieChat Forums > Dumb and Dumber (1994) Discussion > Theatrical cut re-released on DVD in Aus...

Theatrical cut re-released on DVD in Australia!

A new DVD edition of the theatrical version of the film is now available in Australia on DVD. If this has happened the world over then awesome, if not and you're a fan who despises the unrated cut then you might want to call in a favour from an Aussie contact.

*It's not a repackaging of an old late-90s pan and scan transfer. It's a recent print and it's in widescreen (not anamorphic though. Damn)

*I can't confirm whether the US theatrical cut and Australian theatrical cut had differences cause while this is DEFINITELY NOT the Unrated version this version does contain scenes I know weren't in the cut I grew up with. (the mexican hitchhikers singing "Mocking Bird" scene for example). This leads me to believe that there were different versions of the theatrical cut and this is most likely the US theatrical cut. Either that or its a hybrid of the theatrical and unrated version.

*the crap in the unrated version that ruin the films tone and pace are gone: No snapping Pete's head, no shot of Sebass spitting on a burger, no waitress blowing bubbles in Harrys drink and badly delivering her line "happy now", no Lloyd listening to people screwing in the next room then calling Harry a homo after saying he wished he had a great set of hooters (WTF were they thinking even shooting that), No Sebass referring to his crotch as Lloyds "happy place," No "Mary Christmas" scene. You get the picture.

*This DVD still has extras. The "Still Dumb after all these years" featurette and the deleted scenes presented separately (Where they BELONG).

The only drawback here is that its not HD and not anamorphic. The Blu ray available here is STILL the unrated version and only the unrated version. But this is easily the best possible version of the theatrical cut that I've come across.


Yeah, the U.S theatrical cut has always had the Mexicans singing along. A little interested in checking out Australia's cut.

Nice news, thanks for sharing. Hope this sprouts up in the states eventually.


The best way to get the film without the Uncut version is the Dumb and Dumber/Dumb and Dumberer combo packs. Everywhere I go I see tons and tons of those all over the place and its the original not the uncut version of Dumb and Dumber. I never see the original cut by itself anymore unless you go to a place that sells used DVDs which is why I am glad I still have mine


Just bought it. Great to have the deleted scenes where they should be. A lot of the scenes were also not included in the unrated. A couple were introduced from the cast before they are shown. Though entertaining the scenes mostly disrupt the pace and are hit and miss in humour with the acting also being off. They have been removed for a reason and it's great to have the dvd in it's unrated version. I don't remember The Mockingird scene from the Australian vhs but I use to own the UK edition of the dvd which did include this scene. So I'm guessing there are several theatrical versions.


I hate the fact alot people seeing it for the first time will see the unrated cut, then rate it lower on here... they need to delete that version from existence



Austria? So throw another shrimp on the barbie, and fire up the flat screen!
