Memorable quotes?

I've only seen this movie once and I haven't even seen all of it but the part I've seen I loved! To tell you the truth I only watched it for James Spader (love the guy, great actor, kinda cute in this movie need I say more) but since I saw it I've been hooked ever since. I just wish it wasn't rated R then I wouldn't have to wait 4 years before I can see it again. O well.

Anyway, on topic here. There aren't enough Memorable Quotes on the page on this site (there's only two). So I wanted to know from you guys, what are the quotes you remember most? I only know one because I only saw part of it not the whole thing but what do you think?

Here's mine:

Ray: What's the problem?
Lena: I like you, that's the problem...I really like you.

post to your hearts content! :) lol.


That quote is on the page already, although they should've added his response: "That isn't a problem".


Fredric Lehne as Larry says to James Spader's Ray: "Sometimes what you think is paranoia is actually heightened awareness."



Lena asks at the end "You ok?"
Ray looks all crazed, "Never...BETTER!" ha ha.
