MovieChat Forums > Dolores Claiborne (1995) Discussion > What I learned from Dolores Clairborne

What I learned from Dolores Clairborne

Men are EVIL.

Take your anti- troll potions and seal up your troll food. They feed on your rage.



are you kidding me?! He was a drunk, abusive and was molesting their child! Justice isn't black or white dear.




Men aren't evil. Things make them evil, like alcohol. Right now I'm locked in a room, voluntarily, to keep from getting hurt. Please give me something to live for.



Funny you should ask that - I had to lock myself in the spare bedroom again last night (with the cat, or course.) I'm okay - they black eye is healing nicely. He didn't hit me, but he put the incident in motion when he grabbed my iPod headphones off so he could complain about something. Idiot doesn't realize I can hear with them on anyway. The iPod went swinging into my face. Boy, that metal is hard.

I wish one of our neighbors (we live in an apartment building) would call the police when they hear him screaming at me. I called once about 25 years ago, and I'm still hearing about that. If he wasn't worth what he is, I'd be out of here. What's the line from that Springteen song? "Oh girl that feeling of safety prize, well it comes with a hard, hard price."

So true.

I'm okay. Actually, the neighbors down and across the hall are aware of the situation. I just don't react. I guess if I screamed or something somebody would do something. He's a very sick person; I don't want him in jail. He belongs in a hospital. That accounts for a lot of the frustration.

He's actually pretty neat when he's not trying to kill himself or drugging or drinking. After all these years (nearly 4 decades) I'm going to hang around - mainly for the cat's sake. And the inheritance. My bad.


another poster mentioned this...for every Dolores Claiborne there's a Misery

i think MAN as in HUMANS can be very evil, regardless of gender



It's getting very close to incapacitation, which is another reason I hang around. I need to watch him because there are already some liver and kidney abnormalities in his bloodwork. He's not a violent person, so I'm not worried about getting murdered or anything like that, but he is physically ill and I'm expecting his major organs to start shutting down sometime soon. Really, after forty years of drinking how much can the liver take? Saw my mom die from this - it's not a pleasant way to go.

When you look at the big picture, he wasn't such a bad guy. I told him I'd be with him 'til the end, and take care of him like Kathy Bates took care of James Caan in Misery.

That was a joke folks - don't dump on me.



He as much admitted that he wants to die - he's much older than I am, and he's feeling the effects of age, and his world is going to hell. Of course, I won't do a thing to help him committ suicide (he wants me to get him pills or cyanide (yeah, like I could buy that at the corner store.) Even with the way things are now, I'll never be able to live with the guilt when he finally does go, even though I'm not responsible for this illness he has and I'm doing so much to take care of him. I'm so drained after all these years I'm not sure I'll ever recover. And if I hear one more person say "Go talk to someone" I'm going to go ballistic! Like talking is going to change the situation.

I read almost everything King wrote but I don't remember Gerald's Game although I'm sure I read it. I'll have to look it up again. Rose Madder absolutely freaked me out. Now that is one scary book.

As I mentioned in another posting, when he finally does go I will have some great material for a book. There is so much that hasn't been said - that his friends and family don't know. I don't want to disrespect him, though. The names and places will have to be changed to protect the guilty.

And to all of you reading this - thanks for letting me vent. Just don't send me a bill - my insurance doesn't cover imdb postings.



You are so right about talking to strangers (like you, for instance.) Family and friends just don't get it; neither do therapists - been there, done that, and I'm convinced they are crazy themselves.

I did not read Gerald's Game but now I will. Don't know how I missed that one. Ah, something to look forward to.

He's actually been pretty calm the past couple of days, but I think this is the beginning of the end. Keeps making doctor appointments and cancelling them. Can hardly walk, even when not drinking. Things he used to look forward to mean nothing to him now. I think, but I'm not sure, he got some prescription drugs from somewhere. I try not to be out of the house for long, and since he sleeps more than the cat does every day, every half hour or so I make sure he's still breathing to make sure he's not dead or comatose. Love him, but I sure hope he finds the peace he is looking for.

Just my luck his ghost won't leave the place. Oh dear.



He's still drinking. I know it's close to the end - maybe a year but probably less. At least he'll be at peace.


Scarlet, you claim you've been with some jerk for 40 years. You choose imdb boards to air your grievances? I'm not normally so cold, but you're absolutely pathetic. Either your "please give me a reason to live" BS is some lonely wierdo's attempt to get sympathy, or you're actually telling the truth... And i don't know which is worse. This is a board for discussing a movie. Not a therapists office. There is a reason you pay people to help ypu through your issues, 'cause people don't wanna hear you whine. Now, when you get yourself in a huff over what you should have been told a long time ago, just remember who the real victims are. Everyone that came here to read about and discuss a movie, instead were treated to the "woe is me scarlet" show. Now, scoot! Find a psychiatrist and get on some drugs before you start poisoning your cats or something for attention. Munchausen by proxy i believe it's called.

