MovieChat Forums > Dolores Claiborne (1995) Discussion > Judy Parfitt as Vera…WOW!!!

Judy Parfitt as Vera…WOW!!!


I felt that Judy Parfitt’s performance as Vera Donovan was, after Kathy Bates’ flawless turn as Dolores, the stand-out role in DOLORES CLAIBORNE. In this film she portrays so well the frustration that a person feels as their body and mind slowly stagnate during the long years of confinment that many elderly people go through before death. Also as the younger Vera, she was absolutely brilliant as the “Bitch with a heart of Gold”. In the beginning of the film the viewer sees her as a horrible monster, who rules her home with an iron first; then gradually we are allowed to see why she acts the way she does (a husband that ignores her and, in the book, children who treat her like s**t until their unfortunate passing, which she never speaks of) and we come to realize that the only control she has over her own life is the particular ways she runs her home. As Dolores says, “She did have her ways…but she was a prisoner of them.”

For me the most poignant of Judy’s scenes was in the sitting room when Dolores reveals to Vera the horrible things Joe has been doing to/with Selena. When she puts forth, so badly, the question, “Has he *beep* her yet?!” and then quietly reveals, with one tear slowly slipping down her cheek that, “Husbands die every day Dolores. They die and leave their wives their money. Why, one is probably dieing at this very moment…” you start to realize that she has slowly revealed to Dolores that, “An accident can be an unhappy women’s best friend” and with that revelation, a way for Dolores to save her daughter and herself, from Joe’s physical and sexual abuse.

That one scene is just a few minutes long but it is one of my absolute favorites, because you are watching two great actresses not just playing these women, but “becoming” them.

“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf so early in the morning?”


I agree totally with you. She delivers a flawless performance. She is a wonderful actress... she was the best part of this movie... well besides the great KATHY BATES of course! Wonderful movie.... and wonderful performances.

Jesse Taylor
"Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you!" - Julianne Moore from Magnolia


Thank you for that post...

That scene, as well as all the scenes that Parfitt and Bates have together, are fine pieces of acting. I do disagree that the scene is a little too ling, but to each his own. I feel that the scene in Vera's drawing room, because it is so important AND SO DAMNED GOOD, should be longer if anything.

Judy Parfitt's eyes were so magnetic and vulnerable, which so contrasting to her character, that I wanted to cry right along with her.

Bates, Parfitt and maybe even Plummer were overlooked in the Oscar categories.


I agree.

First she is this lady with only one dimension, in the scene you refer to we see her differently/maybe why she is so hard,... suddenly her character has gained an incredible depth.

"Damn! We're in a tight spot!" - Ulysses Everett in O Brother, Where Art Thou?


I saw the film last night. The scene that touches me deeply is when Vera asks Doleres to get the porcelain pig. She is so fragile at that scene, and I can feel 100% of it from her eyes.


I wholeheartedly agree! I LOVE that scene. Parfitt is absolutely stunning!

I also feel this movie is underrated (I'm biased, it's one of my faves and Bates is one my favorite actresses). Bates and Parfitt's performances were nothing less than brilliant.


I agree tommyman, the drawing room scene is great. Vera starting off the scene cold as hell and then revealing herself to Dolores. Truly great. I started off the movie hating her and then loved her. The very end of the scene after Vera has told Dolores her secret and her tears fall, she looks back at her embroidary and then for just a moment she looks back up at Dolores. The look in her eyes, just wonderful. She was totally robbed of a nomination along with Bates.


Great post. Clearly an excellent performance. The scene with Dolores was perfect the way it was done.

Truly a great performance

Are you threating me Master Jedi?


Judy Parfitt should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actress.

I mean, she would have won...look at the competition-

Mighty Aphrodite (1995) - Mira Sorvino
Other Nominees:
Apollo 13 (1995) - Kathleen Quinlan
Georgia (1995) - Mare Winningham
Nixon (1995) - Joan Allen
Sense and Sensibility (1995) - Kate Winslet

I think she would have won.


I totally agree. Her performance gives me chills everytime I watch it! What other films has Judy Parfitt been in?



She's an English actress with a fine body of work behind her:

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