MovieChat Forums > Dolores Claiborne (1995) Discussion > did selena love her father

did selena love her father

sure he was a piece of garbage but some people alwyass love their family regardless. i've thought about this over and over and i cant decide.

what do guys think.


Sure, she loved him. When she was little, she didn't realize the reason he was so fun and loosey-goosey was because he was drunk all the time. She just knew he didn't nag her about her chores or homework or give her a hard time about her grades. And he shared little jokes with her at her mother's expense, which can make a kid feel she's being treated like a grownup.

As an adult, Selena knew she was a mess, but since she'd repressed the sexual abuse, she attributed it to her suspicions that her mother had killed her father.

Really rough on Selena to learn all at once that not only was late great daddy a monster but that her mother, whom she'd ignored and blamed her whole adult life, was the person who saved her. I thought she was going to go into the ferry restroom and vomit, but instead she saw the back of her own head in the mirror instead of her face--brilliant POV metaphor!

This movie doesn't get nearly the acclaim it deserves; the acting, direction, dialogue, character development, etc. are all outstanding.


I agree, cpoet. Good post.

Selena loved her dad a lot, she considered herself a Daddy's Girl. Because she grew up in that environment, she felt that what she saw (Daddy drunk, parents fighting) as normal.
Kids often have a favorite parent. Then, once he started abusing her, she blacked it out then later blamed it all on her mom.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Thanks, but you did it better, with fewer words.

That whole concept of "because that's what you've learned love feels like" is so chilling. Brrrrr.



I admire all the comments here. Great question too. I couldn't understand why Selena was so taken with her old man and not her mother and you summed it all up. Her father was like a buddy and probably didn't know he was drunk most of the time. I was annoyed that she showed her mother such disrespect.

I also can't believe that Dolores was still married to a guy who would take a hard object and hit her across her back. She must have taken a lot of abuse before that and always stayed married.


I think for the time period that the movie was set in, some women still took abuse from their husband. Even when she finds out he stole from her and she went to the bank, the guy at the bank was okay with him taking money from her acct without telling her. She was correct that if it were the other way around, she wouldn't have gotten away with it because she's the woman.
When she found out he molested their daughter, then she decided she had enough and of course, finding out he stole from her.


"I thought she was going to go into the ferry restroom and vomit, but instead she saw the back of her own head in the mirror instead of her face--brilliant POV metaphor!"

And that was much better than showing her vomit which is way overdone in tv and movies anyway, especially since that movie was out.
