MovieChat Forums > The Desperate Trail (1994) Discussion > Hollywood knows NOTHING about telescopes

Hollywood knows NOTHING about telescopes

I was suffering thru this pot-boiler, and hanging in there pretty well until they got to the part about attaching the "farm implement" to the telescope, the owner of which described it as being a "Cassegranian" scope. Well, a Cass is short and sort of squat, and usually of a significant diameter, while the scope in the movie was long, slender, and most obviously a refractor. Secondly, it was installed in what appears to be the hayloft of a barnlike building, which guarantees that there would be so much vibration as to render the scope essentially useless. Then, thirdly, the capabilities of this scope, a pretty decent sized one, was described by the owner as "And, you can see the craters on the moon with it!!". Well, duh - you can see the lunar craters with a decent pair of binoculars.

Anyway, when I run into absolutely stupid writing like that it takes me completely out of the movie. I gently retrieved the disc from the player, and carefully relegated it to the nearest wastebasket.


You got that far? You're more patient with stupid writing than I am.

The oldest of the robbers continues to pursue the stage after his two cronies are dead and he's been shot? Why? He's obviously injured and in bad shape. Why not give up the chase at that point?

The girl points a gun, from inside the stage, with the door closed, and the Marshal drops his gun belt? All he had to do was quickly drop down and out of her line of fire.

The Marshal is handcuffed with his left hand, but he can't foresee and then block a punch in the face from a woman...a punch that a blind man could see coming?

20 minutes is all I could stomach

"Mortdecai is an embarrassment for all involved."
