MovieChat Forums > Death and the Maiden (1995) Discussion > Great movie! Wonder why people aren't t...

Great movie! Wonder why people aren't talking about it more

I saw this back in 1994 when it came out. It was playing at this old theater that is now defunct. Anyway, with Polanski's name and the stars involved, I'm wondering why is hasn't gotten more publicity and acknowledgement. Kingsley is dynamic as the accused torturer, Weaver is excellent as the physically and mentally damaged victim, and Wilson plays the straight man trying to decide who's side he's on and whom to believe. This was a play before becoming a feature movie. It has a lot suspense and creates a very dark mood.

Let's try to get more people talking about this movie.

mental shock, disturbed thoughts rotting.
long lasting reaction


Well, imo, it's Polanski's best film ever, along with The Pianist. They're both great. Rosemary's Baby and Oliver Twist were very poor, and Ninth Gate was OK.

This... is chemical burn.


Rosemary's Baby was......poor?....I.....don't know how to respond......



Well, yes, that's my humble opinion. I know it's considered a classic by many, but I didn't like it. You can't account for taste. Hell, some people hated Apocalypse Now and that is my favorite film ever.

The void is a mirror.


Well anything I can do to sway your opinion? say.....a swift kick to the face?

Just kidding, If you didn't like it you didn't like it,

p.s. have yet to see Apocalypse Now



"Well anything I can do to sway your opinion?"

Nope. It's just not my type of film. In my opinion, Polanski is a capable filmmaker, but has major ups and downs. "Death and the Maiden" and "The Pianist" were very good. "Oliver Twist" was terrible.

Last film watched:
The Tenant by Roman Polanski - 6/10


because this movie blows hot gooey chunks of puke, the directing is boring poor camara angles, lighting. Acting is so so, ben was the best actor of all of them. weaver was not convincing at all. her husband couldnt even act drunk, very dissappointed, expecting more from the good rating it got at rotten

