
It didn't really seem like Dr. was guilty of those crimes. I don't know how to explain it, but he just never seemed like he had done it. DK, if anyone agrees, could you explain it better, and if you disagree, please support your answers.


Since he confesses what he did and why at the end of the film it's kind of hard to deny that he did those things.

You don't want him to have done it because he seems like a nice person caught up in the worst side of his nature. But he did it. Even though he's a nice guy with a family. And he explains himself why he did it. I don't think there is any "support" needed for thinking that his confession at the end was true.


My opinion is that we are still left with the unknown at the end of the movie. The reason is this: She was never going to take no for an answer. She wanted a confession and she was going to get one or he was going to go off the cliff to his death. In that situation, the doctor knows that he will die if he doesn't "confess" --- so he has to take the confession route to stay alive. It is believable to me that, in that desperate situation, he would lie about raping her in order to save his life. I think the fascinating thing about this film is that it shows that many people will confess to anything if they are tortured or put in imminent fear of losing their life. Now, on the flip side, it is also conceivable that she finally got through to him and he did confess. But the reason that the false confession is conceivable is that she was "feeding" him clues all along and he had already given a confession that was "dictated" by her---so he was just forced to do the best acting job he could muster at the end in hopes that it would pacify her into letting him live.
