MovieChat Forums > Darkman II: The Return of Durant (1995) Discussion > Darkman II has new alternate version sec...

Darkman II has new alternate version section from IMDB!

Although there is no trivia section for DII as of now, a new alternate version page has been enabled. You can find it on the left of the main Darkman II page just above 'movie connections.'

One of the lesser known facts about Darkman II is that it has a director's cut from Bradford May that differs greatly from the studio's version released on all DVD/VHS. Bradford May's director's cut is only featured on TV on either the Sci-fi channel or AMC (it really depends on what that network decides to show). This version is infinitely better than the home entertainment version including more compassionate details, a different arrangement of moments, some better explanation with extra shots, and less violence. See the first large paragraph of the alternate version section to see what exactly is different about both versions. Hopefully, Darkman fans (especially those who really appreciate only II) will get the full version of the film the way it was originally intended.

It is sad that the version that most people have seen and reviewed here is the studio's.


Just to also let you know, Bradford May's preferred version would most likely be shown on either holiday movie weeks on the Sci-fi channel or once in a while on Friday nights on AMC (their horror film airings).

Other examples to tell if it is the director's cut (sometimes unfortunately the networks at times combine the versions together like they do for the film Jaws on TBS):

- After the car chase, the scene of criminal Steve ending up shot isn't included.
- When Rollo is hit with the golf club, Durant hits another ball on the tee right after. The scene where Rollo begs is gone.
- The cart falling off the building is not seen impacting.
- The sequence where Dr. Brinkman is being tortured is cut down to just times being thrown.
- The music is slightly different after Jill's broadcast; decrescendoing
- More For Your Eyes Only girls are seen dancing (TV standards might edit this down sadly).
- There is an added moment where Jill clears her throat as her hair is being combed by a techie before the newscast.
- You don't see a lot of the extremely violent moments in the film like Ivan exploding and the skinheads being gunned down. (Perkins, his men, and Hathaway are knocked over by shrapnel caused by laser hitting light-- that's their end).


As a sidenote, it is most likely that the more negative reviews come from after watching the dismal studio version and not the elongated cut.


So what you're saying is that Dr. Hathaway and Perkins have a different death scene than in the normal cut? 'Cause in the normal cut, Hathaway shoots Perkins and is then shot by one of Perkins' goons in retaliation.


If anyone has this Directors Cut version contact me - please - thanks
