highly underated!

even with its simple plot, this was a really good movie. Both actors make you feel there is history between them and that not all of it was positive, but no matter what... they can get back all that was lost.


I don't know how many times I have watched this movie and never get tired of it. It really is a good show.


I 100% agree



i even thought this movie was stupid when i was a kid. and i was a pretty dumb kid... it's not very good..


I liked this movie very much also and never get tired of watching it. It's just a good story of how good overcomes evil. By the way, in the early scenes of the movie where Pepper and Sonny are roping a steer, then later when they are in the rodeo riding the broncs, does anyone know if that was Harrelson and Sutherland or were they doubles?


This movie is ok it is not great and it is not highly underated. My rateing for this movie is 5 out of 10.


It's been quite a while since I've seen the movie, but I remember enjoying it pretty good. The stars played their characters just right - enough interplay to get a real feel for their positions. I think I might have to see it again. I'd give it a 6-7...


I love this movie. Its so funny!



Saw this movie for the first time this past weekend and thought it was a lot of fun. Harrelson and Sutherland had a surprising onscreen chemistry and managed to create an above average "Buddy" movie that had a wonderful "feel good" quality to it.


It was very entertainin. I love this movie, and the two (Woody and Kiefer) are awesome! Very Good Movie.
