a little brokeback?

did anyone else think that Sonny and Pepper were maybe a little gay for eachother?


the only thing more gay would have been you and your father


well, for one, I'm definitely female.
and, two, my dad's dead, you sick b.astard!

no, I'm just kidding, he's not dead.


You are gay?


*raises hand* And not just a little.


Well, I'll tell ya, it gets mighty lonesome nights out on the range with only the cows to keep you company...

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Oh, I completely understand. And who'd choose a cow over Kiefer or Woody? Not me. Then again I'm a girl, but the point still stands.


Well, who knows? You might see a bull that strikes your fancy.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Yes, well, maybe I'd choose a really handsome bull over Woody, but not over Kiefer. Nu-uh.


We never did get to see how Woody compared to a bull, his hat was in the way.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Actually I was talking about the whole body. Never been too attracted to Woody, poor man. So I guess it all depends on the bull.


Woody's a little on the rangy side, but Rosie Perez and Juliette Lewis didn't seem to have any problems.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Since this is the newest thread for this movie, I'll change the subject by asking what ever happened to Melba- Kristin Baer? IMDB has this role as the only thing she's ever done. I swear that I've seen her before. Name change?

You're looking for me and you're going to find me...


Was she the hot blond Woody was chasing around his house?

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


Yessir, that was her. I looked her up and see no other credits. Unless she changed her name, this was all she ever did. If so, what a shame...

You're looking for me and you're going to find me...


I wouldn't be surprised if she was just Woody's girlfriend at the time, or someone elses girlfriend, sister, wife, etc or was discovered in the local strip club. That happens frequently. She lucked into one role, one time.

Nice dress. It would look great on my floor.


No. It is possible for two guys to be close and not gay.


I saw parts of this movie recently and that's what I was thinking! Especially at the beginning during the first rodeo scene - they were looking at each other with such goopy eyes it seemed they were deeply in love.



I loved the scene where Woody (appropriate name) is "riding" the bull and Kiefer looks at him adoringly and says "that man sure can cowboy!".

To quote George Carlin: "You don't have to be Fellini to figure that out!".

Somebody needs a happy meal.


i think anyone who thinks they were sweet on each other is:

1, trying too hard to see that.
2, compensating or trying to connect to these characters on some personal level.

i would suggest sticking to brokeback mountain if that is the case.

the post below is off-topic.


Well, it gets awful lonesome out there on the range with just your horse and the sheep to keep you company. Lots of cowboys don't see a woman for months.

I never want to leave Fun Island.


Hey the girls right. It IS a little Brokeback in that the guys like each other. Doesn't mean that they're gay but you don't see men being friends very often on screen. It's excellent. And I think Woody's a hunk! Such a man!


I have friends, close friends, as close as brothers, we have been through a lot, and I love them. Whoever thinks that's gay is probably gay. ;)


Those guys were rodeo cowboys not open range hands. In modern times (as this movie is set) there are little to no ranches left where you dont/cant see another living being for months/a year at a time. Might as well look at some brokeback connections between 2 hunting buddies spending the weekend out huting. The only gay connections somebody looking will find is if they look in a mirror.

