Not bad at all!!!

I think this movie is really under-rated. It wasn't bat at all. I mean, there was a lot of good action scenes, the acting was pretty good and the ending was very surprising (for myself). I was 13 when I saw "Color of Night" in 1994 and I remember that I was very shocked after. Not only because we can see Bruce's "willis" but because of the ending and the frightening music. Gosh I liked the music and also the credit song. I think this is one of my favortie thriller ever and one of Bruce Willis best movie.

Does anyone agree with me??? Please if you don't, be respectful.

Thank you!


I absolutely agree with you. This is one of my favourite thrillers, too. Generally the ratings on IMDB are fair and represent the quality of a movie quite well. In this case I can only wonder how the majority of people can be so wrong in their judgement and completely underestimate the quality of this movie. Few thrillers stand the test of time and "Color of Night" is one of them. Having seen it several times I can say that it is still as tantalizing as it was when I first saw it in 1994. And Jane March is so sexy and has such a fantastic presence as "Rose"... One must be blind to overlook this! Nowadays they don't make such movies anymore. Most thrillers have become so predictable. With too many films you see them and forget them as soon as you left the theatre... This is certainly not the case with "Color of Night"...



I loved this movie!!!!
i'm a huge fan of Bruce's and i agree it is one of his best movies!! when i first saw this movie i was SO jelous of Jane March!! in fact....i still am! lol it's funny because i saw this movie before my friend did, but then i watched with her for the first time and the power at my house went out right after "Bill" finds "Casey" we spent the next six hours talking about all the possible killers could be!! It was great! "I'm thinking about seeing someone. Do you recimend anyone?"-Rose
"Oh, I'm sure I could think of someone."-Bill
or something like that, anyway! GREAT MOVIE!!!!
later days

BeanGirl: BeccaNing Bean
Yeah, I'm a BeanGirl!


This really is a good thriller - a good test. Tape it to watch later and miss the last 10 minutes! That was my first viewing!!! I was so frustrated b/c I actually could not figure out whodunnit. Now my husband wants to watch it with me, but that might be because I told him about having dinner 5 inches to the left.

