MovieChat Forums > Color of Night (1994) Discussion > Best part: The Crown of Thorns Phallic T...

Best part: The Crown of Thorns Phallic Tower!!! OUCH!

FIRST, Dr Bruce is terribly inconsistent. He's supposed to be tormented with guilt and fear because his patient committed suicide and there's a killer after him, yet whenever Jane comes around, he starts talkin' like he's a different character in a different movie, making ridiculous romantic commentary about his mysterious new love interest. "There she is. Little angle, dancing on the head of a pin." OR "Here she comes. Weightless, hanging from the sky." OR "She floats away on her sweet, young legs. Waves to him once...drives away without a backward glance." Okaaaaaaay...

THEN, Dr Bruce is amazingly stupid (what online university did he get his diploma from?) and can't figure out what the audience figured out an hour and a half earlier (that Ricky/Rose has multiple personality issues), so he needs his OWN SHRINK -whose never met Ricky!- to point that out. Conveniently, he's flown in from New York to LA to attend a Psychiatric Conference so Bruce can pick his brain...while he's working out in a health club! This movie's hero is so dumb, he needs TWO DEUS EX MACHINAS to help him along. Two! Shouldn't we be impressed by the hero as he probes his patients' inner sanctums and gleens the truth from them to save the day? Instead, he needs other, smarter people to explain everything to him. He deserves to die by being stabbed 38 times.

FINALLY, I can't believe no one else ever mentions this! Everyone goes on and on about the crap dialogue and acting and sex scenes, and that's justified, but my favorite part is the ABSURD phallic tower that screams "EXPLOSIVE CLIMAX". (Sorry) When you see it about halfway into the movie, you know THE BAD GUY LIVES HERE. Essentially, it's a gigantic spike-tipped penis. Hurts so good? It's got a friggin' CROWN OF THORNS on it (uh, why?) and despite the fact that it only looks about 5 or 6 stories high, when the night sky fills with black clouds in the bloody showdown the tower somehow, uh, extends up through the clouds into the stratosphere. How did it get to be 2 miles high? I kept expecting a jet airliner to swoop past and take Bruce and Jane away to a better life/movie (one where he doesn't have lines like "The blood...was like a vibration of color, broadcast from hell"). The entire climax seems to have been ripped from a low budget horror flick, not a big budget/big studio erotic thriller. I thought I was watching a different movie.

The folks who made this fine film seriously got genres mixed up. The last quarter of this movie has RESHOOT written all over it. Entertaining as hell, but SO insulting! Funny how I keep going back to watch it again and again and again. Maybe I need therapy. So bad, it's superb. SEQUEL PLEASE.


"Sequel please". Dear God, fella, no. No, man, no. No, please hear me, no. Put Jane March in anything, however.
