MovieChat Forums > Color of Night (1994) Discussion > Richard Rush: First Film 14 Years After ...

Richard Rush: First Film 14 Years After One of the Best Ever

He was trying so hard getting AIR AMERICA off the ground, his way. A movie that wound up just kinda coming and going and as an adventure comedy no one even talks about anymore. The Stunt Man is truly a masterpiece. One of the best DIRECTED movies ever. The way the camera tells the story along with the story is just incredible. It's like an arthouse "foreign film" hybrid with a great movie-within-a-movie adventure. To peak that way after having directed for so many years to reach that point and then take 13 to 14 years to work on a script and then to finally make something that many say is horrible: critics and Bruce Willis fans alike. It's tragic he didn't just direct anything with that camera style of his. He'd have been nice to have in the 1980's. He's glide along with Walter Hill but in a deeper way probably. A damn shame is what it is. The Stunt Man must've been to him what APOC NOW was to Coppola, although FFC kept directing -- he just lost his edge after such an arduous shoot. Well anyhow, as a fan of Richard Rush the counter-culture biker director; one of the pioneers of the opposites buddy cop flicks (F and the BEAN) and... anyhow... I guess me needs to check this out; perhaps since it's a Neo Noir there are some nice camera angles, or, something.

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