Clerks. or Clerks?

Does the movie title end with a period or not? I see conflicting ways of writing it on the internet.

Last movie watched: Blood Simple. (8/10)


I'm surprised that IMDB does not have the period in the title, seeing as I stumbled on this from IMDB's submission guide:

Submission Guide: Title Formats

General rules

We use the original title of a movie/show in its original language as it appears on screen (on the title card) in the opening credits. So all alternative titles found on posters, DVD boxes, reference books, trailers, websites, re-releases, etc. are irrelevant. They do NOT define what the primary title should look like. All titles must include the year of first public screening enclosed in ()'s as explained further below.

Link here:

And I believe this is how the title is shown at the opening of the film, with the period at the end:

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


Thanks for the input. Opened a correction ticket under

Last movie watched: Blood Simple. (8/10)


Nice! Would be really cool if they actually make the title change.

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.



