City Slickers 3?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard if there will be a third city slickers? Because if anyone remembers at the end of number 2 they finally get the real map and Billy Crystal and them decide to keep looking for the gold. I dont know...I always thought it set up a third and dont understand why their isnt one...i want to know where that gold is!!!



Aww thats terrible news...Yeah they are too old now...Its such a shame now...Yeah im with you I loved these movies so much...You actually think they could have made a 5, 6, 7? WOw....all i want is to know where that gold is....dang....haha

Who would you rather bone? Jack Nicholson or Meg Ryan?

Nicholson now or 1974?



Oh I agree totally...while growing up I loved these movies...I was sooo into the adventures. I dont understand why they get rid of the gooed franchises either. They'll make 4 Jurrasic Park movies...when one was enough and they cant keep a good franchise like this going...Its a shame...defintely...

Who would you rather bone? Jack Nicholson or Meg Ryan?

Nicholson now or 1974?


You prefer another City Slicker film over another Jurrasic Park film? Are you insane? The JP films were great. Excellent adventure without alot of imaginative stuff. City Slickers had nothing more to offer after the first one. The second one was sad and pathetic.


well I thought they were both funny and it would be nice to have a 3rd installment.Maybe as the orginial cast is a little older it could involve their kids and they go off after the treasure get lost and mitch has to save them thus ending up back into the adventures again.


God, I'm shocked how many people turn this film off before it's over.

THEY FOUND THE GOLD!!!!! Or at least Jack Palance did. He shows up at Crystal's Vegas hotel room with gold bars he had gone back and found.

If III was written as great as part 1, sure. But Crystal is almost 60 and Palance must be an invalid 80-year-old by now.



ummm palance died so there is no sequel *sigh*




Hey City Slickers

City Slickers 2 was not considered a big hit like the first movie so thats why they never made a third movie.. I actually like the second movie better.. A hunt for treasure usally makes a good movie :)

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter
