Bad News......City Slickers 3 in the works.......obviously gonna flop.

Just found out in my movie magazine (Reel Filmz) that a City Slickers 3 has been green lit---except that the original actors wanted nothing to do with a third film and so it's going to shift the focus on Ira and Barry, the wacky Ice Cream making characters from the last two films--not only that, but it's gonna be done in CGI animation and be released directly to DVD. It's expected to come out sometime next year.

Can anyone else say..."already a flop" ?


Jeez, why did they bother...oh wait, money!!:(


I don't believe that one bit. Why on earth would they make an animated movie based on Ira and Bary from City Slickers?


This is the first I've ever heard about this, I'll wait for an official announcement. Worst idea ever by the way. The only funny thing that those to did was the flavor stand off between Barry and Mitch. If your a fan, you'll know what I mean.

Dr. Peter Venkman: NOBODY steps on a church in my town.


Well, it's 2011, and I haven't heard about it.
Coming Soon... The December Man


LOL this is pretty funny but obviously the OP is joking. CGI ira and barry LOLLLL

Realism, Remakes and Unnecessary Sequels are ruining movies!

