Benico Del Torro

Someone in a review above just said he was James Dean like and I guess I did see a little bit of that. Besides The Fan, this is one of the few times he actually looks young. People have called him a cross between Terrence Howard and Brad Pitt. He unabashedly acts like a little punk in certain scenes in this movie, but it is to his credit that he showed a different side. Seeing hum walk up with white socks, dress shoes and the happy days hairdo, I thought, Oh he is just trying to be stupid.



Hehe....very interesting to hesr the Terrence Howard part.Despite racedifference,they are very similarlooking.I remember back in 95 when the usual suspects came out and i was blown away by this guy called Benicio Del Toro.Having never seen him before,I thought this was the way he was.I loved Fenster,just wondered how he would make a career of it.Am I glad I was wrong...

And then in 95,Dead Presidents is also released.And just like with Benicio,although it took Howard a longer time,you knew this guy had a bright future...but the funniest part is...his part.It was a small part but he nailed it.Mumbling,funny body language.Classy clothes.Me and my buddy both laughed and said"Holy´s the black Fenster!!" Thats how alike they are.


Just watched this movie for the first time this weekend -- and I agree that BDT was great -- and looked very young. Of course, he was in his twenties when he did it.
I was surprised by the revelation tho -- thought he had learned from the master detective when all along ...


He also looks young in Excess Baggage (using the same mumbling used in U.S.), which was done just after Usual Suspects. But he's always changing his look, making it fit the situation/movie. Remember when he gained so much weight to play Gonzo in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Remember how he looked in Che then The Wolfman? He's amazing.



Don't forget he was the head of security for Robert Davi in License to Kill..... from 1989.


I Take that Back


Why did his character put cubes of ice in his beer? A Florida thing?
