Filmed in 1990?

HOW does it take four years for a movie to come out???


Easy Answer

Orion Pictures fell into business problems and whatever they made at the time was put on the shelf until problems were handled. For whatever reasons in the end Orion didn't survive because much of it's library is now owned by MGM/Sony Pictures (earlier stuff I think Warner Bros. owns). Around 93/94 Orion started realeasing movies again ones I remember were RoboCop3 in 1993, Car 54, Blue Sky in 1994 (it won an oscar for Best Actress that year I think).


I don't think they were released under Orion, though. A couple others were Clifford with Martin Short, and China Moon with Ed Harris. Except for Blue Sky, they were all pretty bad. It's no wonder Orion went under. Too bad, because they and Tri-Star were coming out with some quality pictures when they started out. I think starting small and moving up seems to work better, like New Line and Lion's Gate.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!


Don't forget The Dark Half, which was pretty good flick, was among Orion's delayed and lost releases. Robocop 3 was the big loss in Orion's bankruptcy, while I don't think that film would have saved them but had it been released as it was intended in the height of Robocop's popularity it might have helped them starve off death for another release or two.


That's why this movie seems so bad. It's has the stink of an 80s movie since it came out in 1990 but wasnt released until the middle of the 90s. It was way passed its expiration date especially that archaic hip hop music. They tried to edit the musical numbers out because that was no longer popular by the time the movie was actually released. It may have done better if released at the time of completion as is but I doubt it would have been any more memorable than it is now. ISN"T now.
