my summer moive

i love this film it was always on in the six week hols when i was littel it great cool and so funny . after whacing it i wanted to go to a summer canp for the longest time but never got 2(no summer camps in the uk)oh well.

any way has any one else seen this moive? because i would love to konw because i seem to be the only person that has seen it .
*people dont listen when you tap them on the sholder any more *about the spelling, im dyslexic!


I agree, after watching it i was desperate to go to one, it looked such fun



Yeah this is such a fun movie.

~Have a superb day~


ok, i heard somewhere there was nudity in this film??? help me here


I just love Mooky Arizona!!


i used to rent it all the time as a kid and watch it over and over again.
i'd forgotten about it for awhile, but then remembered one day. since then ive been trying to find it, but video stores near me dont carry it.
but they're playing it on the superstation this weekend! i'm so excited. i'm definitely taping it.


I'm finding it on DVD cause i love it so much.



hey i live in the uk where do u live. i also loved this film its 1 of my best. its true no summer camps in the uk. well eny gud 1s.
