did anyone realize

that Accepted is just an more updated version of camp nowhere? a group of older teens renting out a sort of utopia to give them the freedom to do whatever they want? the main characters realize that things get a little hectic and chaotic so they devise a plan for peace and structure for this utopia? I swear, the first time I had seen accepted I kept thinking more and more how much this movie is like camp nowhere. I'm just saying...


Sure. It's just like the sequel that was hinted at at the end of CN when Dennis told Mud about the $30,000 he would need to get into college. You could see the wheels turning in his eyes. I always hoped that he and most of the actors in this movie would come back for that, but I guess it was not to be.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw Accepted. I knew it reminded me of something, and then I figured it was just like Camp Nowhere.


loved both movies


Yes. When I first heard of the movie I mentioned Camp Nowhere.
