Taplow's inscription

I've seen the movie quite a long time ago. I have to say, that this movie is a great one, but I wanted to ask if anyone remembered. What was the inscription that Taplow wrote in Crocker-Harris' book?

Thank you


I will look it up for you.In the meantime, have you seen the 53 version?


''lord from above looks graciously upon..... master" --more or less these words


> "lord from above looks graciously upon..... master"

"... upon a gentle master", I believe.



That is indeed the inscription. I'm actually just now playing the part of Taplow in a stage production of The Browning Version right now, so I've seen that line so many times lately. It's such a good play.

"Oh! It seems the artichoke is steamed" - Galinda


Upon seeing the film back then I took it to be a line from Aeschylus's "Agamemnon" (which it is) written by the student in tentative Greek (Hence he questions the accuracy).
The english translation is: "A god from afar looks graciously upon a gentle master".
I looked it up again recently for some other reason and then came upon this definitive explanation, replete with Greek and Latin references:


"...God from afar looks graciously upon a gentle master"
