same movie 1996?

Why is what seems to be the exact same movie listed on imdb as Bottle Rocket (1996)? If you check Owen Wilson's page, his first 2 credits are this movie, in 2 different years. I know imdb is user-driven, but this is a heck of an over-sight, or was the film released twice?

I reject your reality and substitute my own. - Adam Savage, Mythbusters


It isn't an over sight at all. The 1994 listing is the original 13 minute b&w short film. The 1996 listing is the full length feature based on and expanded from the 1994 short. Luke and Owen Wilson were (and are still) friends with director Wes Anderson. Wes and Owen wrote the original short, Wes directed it, Owen starred as Dignan and Luke starred as Anothony. They showed the film around, then they received funding to expand the film into a feature, which they did and it was released in 1996.
