How much?

Does anybody know the budget on the short? It looks real cheap, most of the settings don't compare to that of the feature but just curious how much he was able to put this together for. Thanks


I don't know. Not much at least


They did it for a film course, so there probably wasn't a budget at all. The school would have paid for it, and it seems the locations are all either public or of relatives of the cast, I'll bet it didn't cost more than 10 or fifteen dollars. They probably used the money in the wallet from the car to buy themselves food after they wrapped.


This wasn't a school project. Wes and Owen had already left the University of Texas at the time they filmed it. They were intending on making it a feature but they ran out of free film stock that Andrew Wilson had secured at his job. So they put it together as a short, then L.M. Kit Carson (a family friend) helped them get it into Sundance.


On the Criterion of Bottle Rocket, there is a feature that shows photos from the short. One of the photos is the budget sheet that adds up everything. The total cost came to a little over $3,500.

You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do.
