MovieChat Forums > Blue Chips (1994) Discussion > Biggest problem with this film

Biggest problem with this film

I am a huge fan of college basketball, to be more specific Duke, so I was a little pissed off to see Bob Hurley playing for Bob Knight at Indiana. Did anyone else notice or care about this?

And now for something completely different...


I still love Bobby Hurley, so it's great to see him in anything, even if he is in Indiana red.


Hey, it coulda been worse...he could have been in his Sacto Kings jersey!



I think that the reason Hurley played for Knight was because of the ties between Duke and Indiana (Coach K being a Knight protege) and therefore had comparable styles of play. As I remember it, all of players on Knight's team in the movie were either ex-players of his (except for Matt Nover, whose character played for Nolte) or had played for real-life teams somehow affiliated with Knight's coaching tree. Helped with the authenticity thing...and, if I recall an interview with one of the player/actors in the film correctly, because Knight wanted his players to kick the crap out of Nolte's players in the simulated game they filmed, which they did (the film was later edited to make it appear Nolte's team won, but in the unofficial real-life total Knight's team decimated them).


I'm also a big Duke fan (my grandfather graduated from there), so I thought it was cool to see him, and not a problem. It didn't make me angry. After all, it is a fictional movie. Now if he were playing for the North Carolina Tarheels in the movie...

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.


Would have been funny if they had him playing in the NBA since he never made it.


Bobby Hurley had a short, underwhelming NBA career, which pretty much ended when he was in a horrific car accident.

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.


Bob Knight was a truly great coach and well respected by those that know better. It was an honor for Hurley to play this part nd he has said as much.



agree totally with jc pbsrufinginhb..... the excuses made for knight are pathetic...


I had no issue with it. It was a movie, not a documentary.
