I could sh*t a better movie.

I remember reading an article way back around 1993 when this movie was being made and the director sounded completely clueless. At that point, he said they'd only just found out Tippi Hedren was still alive, and that they then wrote her character into it.

This movie was an insult to me and to the original, which itself is far from Hitch's best work, and it baffles me why Tippi Hedren would go near it.

"Never underestimate the power of denial."
American Beauty


What would you name it? You know, the movie you actually passed from your rectum onto celluloid. What could you call it? who would carry this smelly film? Would it all be in shades of brown or have you had a bit of salad for a flourish of green? I know I look forward to seeing the power and riveting ingenuity of your talented rectum first hand. Let me know when I'ts on Netflix OK?


I agree. I prefer "Evil Birds" aka "Beaks: The Movie" (1987)


mr-ghostface..according to the trivia for this movie...tippie is very embarrased to be associated with this movie!
