The right one?

Hi guys,
years ago, I watched a movie fitting this description (time travel, nasty killing cyborgs, decent SFX, etc.). I´m not sure though. I´m trying to get it as a present for my father. Keep in mind, that I haven´t seen it for a loooooong time.

Are any of these scenes present in the movie?

- in post-apocalyptic future, the place where humans live is protected by some kind of energetic field (think barrier cities of Final Fantasy the movie).

- at one point, the aforementioned place seemingly take off (Starcraft style) to escape invaders.

- at another point, the hero kills one of the machines and removes its cybernetic heart by knife. Later he ispects it for info with help of computer back on base.

- "the present day" is happening mainly in small, relatively isolated town with arid landscape.

- main char. is for short time imprisoned by local cops.

Help me please.

Btw.: Here´s more detailed description:




Sounds quite a bit like The Time Guardian (1987). Look it up on imdb and see if it matches. The isolated town with arid landscape (Australian outback), imprisonment by cops, travelling city, and the rest you describe sounds similar, though haven't seen it in a while.


Eep, thanks dude!!! I've also been looking for that movie, one of those odd finds while watching late-night cable movies.
