Anyone Tear Up??

I love this movie!! SO magical!! And just watching it, I found it se emotional and breathtaking....I actually teared up when the angels came to help the team at first.

And I was fighting back tears when Tony Danza went to pitch and everyone was waving their arms like wings for him and the whole audience was doing it. *Sniff!*

I'm A New Found RUMRUNNER!

I Roonil Wazlib!


*puts hand in air* ME,too!:(


i teared up. but not at those parts.

Luv ya Rae you're my idol


I did to especially when I heard the music at the end when Tony Danza made the game-winning catch *sniff* so emotional, I saw it in the movies and nearly cried like a baby also when I heard Mel Clark (Tony Danza) was about to die I felt like cryin' my eyeballs out.


Yes, but not at that scene. The scenes involving Roger and his dad were rather sad how it turned out!

Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they're fascist. Throw some ground balls it's more democratic.
