Chazz's Hair

Is that his real hair or is Brendan Fraser he wearing a hairpiece?


That's actually a really good question. He had long hair in "George of the Jungle" as well. I tried to find some information online, but the only articles that came up were articles regarding the fact that he's losing his hair and may be sporting a weave or hair plugs to conceal it. It must suck to be so heavily scrutinized, but I suppose that's is the price of fame.


I'm sure it's a wig, but it was well done. His GOTJ hair looked more like it might have been his real hair. But sorry, I don't know the answer.

But isn't it amazing how it changed his look, sort of the way the long blonde hair transformed Orlanddo Bloom as . . . . what's his name, the elf? Brendan Fraser has always struck me as ultimo machismo (at least in appearance) but suddenly, as Chazz/Chester, I saw how beautiul and almost feminine his face is! I couldn't take my eyes off him.

until the female utters a loud, piercing cry of ecstasy





It was a wig. In "George of the Jungle" he also wore a wig and he has funny anecdotes about the capuchin monkey pulling it off.In "Bedazzled' he wore seven. He enjoys wearing wigs!

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


Wigs in both movies.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"
