favourite 2pac film???

man i love all his films but this gotta me the best if not top 3 movies he is a really talented actor,poet,rapper.....

whats you favourite 2pac film?




ill prbly av 2 agree wid ya wid juice even tho this film woz summit else, i think tht it wuld of been menace 2 society if all tht *beep* dint go down wid the hughes brothers


not the best choices lol

Dammit! Holster your weapon - Jack Bauer


i would probably say "juice" whn pac was that crazy mofo bishop, but i liked him in gridlock'd


i like this one maybe the best


I liked Juice too, but Above The Rim was definitely better.



yeah i like this one the best out of all his movies, 2pac acts well, most rappers who try to act in movies, end up doing a horrible job..but this just shows how hard of a worker 2pac was.


What about Poetic Justice? He was the best and and only movie of his Positive ways, all other movies he was an ass, so I'll go for Poetic Justice, plus Juice as second- CLASSIC!!!!


I like above the rim the best


gridlocked closely followed by above the rim


tupac was a good actor but i think Birdie and Bishop were easy character's for him to play because he was basically playing himself. I personally liked him in that movie he did with Tim Roth when they both play drug addicts. Pac really showed he had depth in that movie in playing a character that was hopeless rather than bold and demonstrative.


Poetic Justice

/Life would be boring without music and movies/



Gang Related acts the best in this. good aciting as a cop than gangsta drug dealer all the time.


Gang Related.


Poetic Justice
Nothing but Trouble (just kidding)

I agree with whoever said that Menace would've been great with 2pac. I think that movie was still a classic from my generation but I think 2pac could've made it something special. Could've given Cain some acting lessons too


Definitely Bullet.


I love pac in everything he has done. He just brings it with everything but if I had to choose one as a favorite it would definitely be Juice.

"Everyone has their own unique beauty whether physically (hello ) or on the inside."


I think he was probably at his best in Juice and Gang Related, but overall I would have to go with Bullet (mostly because of Mickey Rourke's awesome performance and the movie's deeply emotional and affecting script).

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?


Best acting in Juice
Funniest in Poetic Justice

Above the Rim was good but his character wasn't written very well.
