The presents Kyle took

I've only seen this movie a couple of times and both times i could never work this out so maybe someone out there can explain. In the scene where Birdie goes up to Kyle to 'wish him luck' he asks Kyle "what you think they gonna think up in Georgetown about them presents you took?" What are these presents? Kyle returned the money and clothes he was given by Birdie and even if he kept them what would a college team care? And if these 'presents' were going to be stop Kyle from getting into Georgetown how was this problem resolved? By Birdie's death perhaps? If anyone could clear this up for me it would be helpful, thanks in advance.


I didn't know what that referred to, either, until Kyle returned the presents: the money, the shoes etc. From what I know, college basketball players aren't allowed to accept ANYTHING from ANYBODY that is even remotely related to the game. However, as Kyle wasn't officially a college player I'm not sure what the deal is either. Maybe just the fact that he was being looked at and accepted by Georgetown was enough? I'm sure Birdie's death solved the matter...


If you're an amatuer athlete you cannont accept gifts from anyone. Scouts, agents, alumni, drug dealers, nobody.


BIRDIE was keepin kyle sweet ( giving him money at his club ) and he also must of gave him other presents to keep him sweet to make sure kyle would play for the birdmen in the tournament. birdie had ALOT of money riding on the tournament and to have a player like kyle on his team would be a deffinate win. PEACE


IT's a recruiting violation for an amateur athlete to take any gifts given based on prowess at his/her sport, regardless of the source. Thus the money/shoes etc would've made him ineligible for NCAA athletics.


Hold up hold up...So if you were real good at basketball, and your mum bought you some sweet AND1's or summin, thats not allowed?


It's about relationships and influence.

If you receive a gift from someone who wants influence, it's a violation.
If it's your uncle Sal who's always done well in life, it's not a violation.


It wasn't that he just accepted gifts from some guy. Birdie gave him gifts as a way to persuade Kyle to play for his 3 on 3 team in the tournament. That's a violation.


I am pretty sure when Birdie says this he is referring to the prostitutes that he had Kyle hook up with during the nights at the club. He was out late on more that 1 occasion and broke his curfew. Then at the club, everything COST, Then Birdie game him money and sent him over to the prostitute with his blessing.


Even still, how does birdie plan to prove any of this? Unless he's got photos of Kyle actually accepting this stuff. his word wouldnt mean jack *beep* to the NCAA.
