MovieChat Forums > The Vicar of Dibley (1994) Discussion > xmas special - things u liked and things...

xmas special - things u liked and things u didnt like

First of all:

things i liked

I loved the daleks
I loved Jim's song
I loved Owen wanting to film the wedding like "saving private ryan"
I loved the wedding dress saga
I loved Hugo!!!
I loved David's attitude towards the wedding. he is obviously sad but was totally supportive of geraldine
I loved the vicar, his lines about the cheap ring etc were excellent

Things I didn't like

the continuity errors!! I mean we all remembered that geraldine's middle name is Boudica!!! How on earth cud they forget that??!!!! And the new middle name they thought up was just too silly to be believed! That is something that Alice's family would have done, not geraldine's

Also, they seem to have completely forgotten throughout the last couple of series that Jim is already married. He has a wife, the yes yes yes woman? Am I the only one who remembered that??

The fact that the vicar married a complete stranger

The fact that she had no say in her wedding

I wud say that I liked the episodes but was very disappointed in the obviously quick and slapdash way they tried to end it all. I wish they had done one more series at least to have time to think about things a bit more and to develop the relationship between geraldine and harry




The song Jim and Owen had.
The wedding dress.
The fact that they showed David was sad, but he still supported her.


The fact she married a total stranger.
The fact that she married someone I find hard to believe she'll stick with.
The fact that they forgot that her name is Boadicea Geraldine Granger, not that stupid thing they came up with. David joked about it throught the entire show!

I can bid defiance to pain...


I know

And I loved the fact that her name is Boaddicea!!! I think I shall just conveniently forget that bit about the stupid mary poppins name!



My only real dislike was the continuity errors. No matter what - a book, film, Tv Show or Computer Game. One sure fire way to anger me is to make a continuity error.

Jim was married (Yes Yes Yes Yes...) but I believe that he found out that she was having an affair with her cousin and she did leave him. Which resulted in his sexual expliots with other women as he tells in the later series. I don't know exactly when the marriage ended I'd guess around the 2nd series. I remember that he had no wife for the first christmas special (Christams Lunch Inccident) but she could have just been visiting family....

Comedy Junkie.


yeah i was wondering about that. He only seemed 2 have a wife for that one episode. I think it was the one when David & geraldine were competing in the election. They went to visit Jim and his wife answered the door. She was the opposite of Jim and said yes yes yes before anything



In the Christmas Lunch Special his wife was at a competant grandparenting course, but I do believe you are right his wife was having it off with her cousin Brenda and they split I believe.


I loved the fact I was able to drool over Richard Armitage...

I'll go now.

Laura xxx

But why is the brie gone?!


ello laura

Yes he was lovely but she didn't know him!!!!!!




If a bloke like that turned up on my doorstop and was like 'hey, marry me' I wouldn't be saying no!

Of course I'd find out if he was a millionaire first!

Laura xxx

But why is the brie gone?!


I'd say no. I wouldn't marry a millionaire just for his money. I'd feel evil. Besides, I wanted to fall in love and marry after a long period of time.

I can bid defiance to pain...


what if he was a total prat Laura??

yeah I agree Robyn! Some millionaires are total idiots

Harry seemed ok but I dunno, he just felt like a bit of a 'non personality'. I mean his sole purpose was just to marry the vicar and end the whole thing but I just dont feel that we, or geraldine knew him at all



I hate to be the one to be nasty, but I seriously can't see Harry and Geraldine won't last. They look as if they'd get bored with each other quickly. I can't believe they realised just what an important commitment they've got themselves into. To me personally, there is Alice and Hugo on one side and there is Geraldine and David on the other, and these two pairs always going to be the canon ships of VoB. I didn't really see much to the Harry character.

I can bid defiance to pain...


I really enjoyed yesterday's ep, but I have to agree:-

I was really annoyed with the whole middle name bit, everyone know's it was Bodoecea!!! Me & my mum were really annoyed at that.
I LOVED the wedding dress part where she got covered in mud - I couldn't stop laughing!!!
Jim's song was hilarious, and Alice with her Doctor Who obession was great!!
I think it was just me, but it felt like Harry was becoming less likeable in the second part, he was very sweet at first, but I guess it's because watching Gerry for years as an independent woman for so long made me think "this is a bit fast" ?
Oh and the vicar was hilarious too, I think he was really funny, but (and this has been mentioned I know) all the continuity. Jim's wife, Gerry's middle name... oh and I'm sure David was wearing false teeth!

I so gutted it's ended, I'm really going to miss it, but at least I have my DVD's! Yaaay!

Toodle pip :-)

Ssssh, stop talking, I can't hear the voices in my head!


With her name it would have been so much better if they had made her name a running joke, so when the vicar says "Oh dear!" and reads "Boadicea Geraldine Granger" they could have had David starts laughing like he did before. It was their little joke.

I can bid defiance to pain...


exactly! That is what I was waiting for!!! And when the vicar read out her name I thought WTF???!!!!

It was a little joke between david and geraldine and they ruined it!!

But I will miss Vicar of Dibley too!! I wonder when the last episodes will be available to buy



Oh yes, definatley, I think they might bring out a big boxset!!!

Ssssh, stop talking, I can't hear the voices in my head!


I know!! Am gutted cos I bought the last big boxset thinking that Vicar of Dibley had finished!!!



oh and I'm sure David was wearing false teeth!

Glad i'm not the only one who noticed a change. My dad 'kindly' suggested that maybe he'd had a stroke- although i sincerely hope not, yet if it is; it's none of our business. I think i'll stick with the less severe sign of getting older- false teeth <-- Like these

Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo


i thought Frank looked and sounded a bit more frail than he used to too

I guess 12 years IS a long time isn't it!

this face, the infection which poisons our loveHAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!


Bless 'em, the gang are all growing so old... apart from the wonderful Gerry, she looks as fab as ever!!!!

Ssssh, stop talking, I can't hear the voices in my head!


she does yeah!

this face, the infection which poisons our loveHAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!


maybe there was suppose to be some kind of time gaps in the actual episode itself


Only problem with marrying after a long period of time is that Geraldine is getting on a bit (believe me I know how she feels) and so time is of the essence.

I'd grab him and tie him down as soon as I could (which I frequently have in my daydreams!!)



I actually like that he was a stranger, after all of her time alone and wanting to be in love I was glad that it was a sexy stranger who came to town, fell in love with her and swept her off her feet.


I loved the whole 'love at first sight' storyline, but then I'm an old romantic. I just wish men in real life were like that.

I didn't like the way they squashed it into 2 hours. I think they could have done at least another hour so we could have seen how their relationship developed, before they got married, or even got engaged.

I did think it strange that Rosie, Harry's sister, wasn't the 'best man' and that Hugo had the rings. I also thought it strange that Rosie was several rows back and not on the front row.

I loved Alice dressed as David Tennant's Doctor Who and that the bridesmaids were Daleks... That was so funny.

I liked the way Harry explained the joke at the end, so that Alice actually understood it.

I am surprised at the amount of swearing, as other than the odd word in previous episodes, it never really featured. Other than Owen, but that was part of his charm... "Bloody's not swearing. Bloody's bloody. Now bo***cks that's swearing..." that always makes me laugh. I think it was in the Easter Speical.

I thought Jim's song was really funny, and very clever.

I liked the Vicar. He made me laugh, he was so completely in love with Geraldine too. The way he kept making digs through the ceremony.

I was surprised Geraldine didn't have a dress hidden away, just in case the one Alice had made was a disaster. I thought it was quite sad when that got spoiled. Although I liked the connection with the rose pjs and that Harry had said "I hate to miss an opportunity to get them off..." or something like that.




Just a quick thought... if you didn't enjoy the Christmas ep why put yourself through the New Year ep?

I think it's a shame people knock shows, just because others enjoy them.


I waited so long for more Vicar of Dibley and though I was estatic while watching it, I didn't think it was a deserving end. Agreeing with all the other posters about Bodicea being replaced with the Mary Poppins name which as someone pointed out was a more Tinker family thing to do rather than Granger. Loved "It Should Have Been Me."
And me and my sister are really close but Harry and his sister seemed a teeny bit incestual, anyone else get that feeling or am I the only perfect Freud case-study?
Loved how Frank's dullness has suddenly made David want to kill him and he makes comments about wanting to kill Frank at any given opportunity, though I adore Frank.
I was so happy that Geraldine did have the love of her life that she always wanted and thought her "AHHHHHHHHHH!"s at being proposed to were so sweet and funny but really didn't like Harry. OK ok so I admit it, I'm still gunning for Geralding and David (he loves her damnit, he loves her, why is that not enough?! down with Richard Curtis! Down with the world! woe is me! over-reaction is me!) but Richard Armitage just doesn't fit in and I just didn't like his acting, I don't know what it was but I just felt like him and Dawn French didn't suit at all onscreen, maybe even looked uncomfortable. I know I know he's meant to be "sane" unlike everyone else in Dibley cos thats the kinda man Geraldine wants but I just found him too blah and thought that his proposing to her within like a month of knowing her was a very "Oh God we need to get Geraldine hitched by the end of these 2 episodes and we don't even have a man for her yet!" thing to do. I mean I'm happy for Geraldine cos she's happy but I wish she'd had someone more Dibleyish (which probably isn't what she wants) and basically SHE SHOULD HAVE MARRIED DAVID!
Also I know it's not "the end" the end but I still would have liked to have seen the other characters have a bit more of an ending. It really didn't feel like an ensemble sitcom but a Geraldine and Co sorta thing which left me wondering "Ok so Geraldine got her man but where's Frank's man and why have we only seen Hugo and Alice's kids like twice and what the hell are they like and will there ever be a woman who can tame Owen's "animal loving" ways and what happens to Jim, will anybody or anything turn his "no"s to "yes" es?" And most important of all "HOW CAN THEY STILL SHOW THAT DAVID IS DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH GERALDINE BUT NOT HAVE THE TWO TOGETHER?! THE BASTARDS! THE HEATHEN BASTARDS!"
Also couple of questions, Frank tried to tell everyone he was gay on the radio programme that only Geraldine heard so when did they find out he was gay, cos he made a reference about wanting a young man and obviously they were fine with it cos no one tried to drive him out of Dibley or kill him, David only implied it but I would have liked to have seen them finding out.
Oh and does Geraldine move out of Dibley or does she stay? I mean I know Harry just moved there but wasn't there a quick mention about her not being around or something?
God I've written a really long, boring, David loving review. I'm sorry but I had to say it some where cos all my friends and family members are useless and didn't watch it, the idiots.


I enjoyed the episodes but the whole vicar and harry romance thing was badly written, very forced and they hadzero chemistry. when I tried to re-watch those episodes I simply skipped those scenes....


Nonononononononono....... David and Geraldine wouldn't have worked!! I am convinced that Harry was the right one for her. I think the David loving aspect, showed how much he had changed as a person through knowing Geraldine. But I genuinely feel, they would never have worked as a couple...

Also, the closeness between Harry and his siser... Well I think that was only there to confuse Geraldine and help the plot move forward with the missunderstanding, that she was his girlfriend.



Oh, this is a long time after your comment, but I've just seen these episodes, and agree with you entirely!

There was no chemistry between Dawn and Richard at all, and he did seem uncomfortable in the role. He was just too gorgeous for her, which seems a mean thing to say. Let's face it, Geraldine was desperate for a man, and would naturally fall for this beautiful bloke, but why would he fall for her? He didn't even get a chance to know her, so it wasn't for her scintillating wit.

Some of the jokes were funny, but overall, I thought it pretty weak and cringe-worthy, almost amateurish in parts.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mehreenmichael, you've said it all much better than I could.


For the most part I liked the two episodes, but Richard Curtis has chosen well in ending the series at this point when the cracks are beginning to show.

The plot device of having the sister's true identity hidden is kind of Austenian, isn't it? Or atleast Romance era writing.

But for all it's errors, I would rather spend time watching this show than most US sitcoms. That should show you what I think of the state of US sitcoms at the moment.



Seems to me that quite a few of the people who didn't like this were "shippers" and just didn't like canon toying with their fantasies.

~We are a race that has trouble programming VCRs. Is it any wonder our spaceships keep blowing up?~


The plot device of having the sister's true identity hidden is kind of Austenian, isn't it?

I think that was actually a reference to an earlier scene in the first Harry ep - Gerry had been watching "Sense and Sensibility" - mentions the scene to Harry about how she didn't really like Emma Thompson's reaction to Hugh Grant (in the movie, obviously); The "EEURGGHHH" noise when the she (Emma) finds out that he didn't actually propose to, or something.
Basically what I'm trying to say is - there was a Austenian vibe running through that whole ep - including Gerry's initial reaction to Harry's proposal.

And, yeah, part of me had hopes for Gerry and David - but Harry kind of makes sense for her. He probably finds her a breath of fresh air after the rat race of city life. But, yes, they should have had more of him in the 2nd ep - they could've easily drawn out another ep exploring their relationship.
And while Armitage did seem a little young for French - they kind of worked for me. (See the scene where he comes in to 'check the figures' - re: whether she's supposed to have kissed him or not. Adorable!)


I haven't seen the last episodes, but I'm looking forward to them. My comment here is for those who dislike Gerry apparently marrying someone she knows very little about.

Remember Tristan?? She met him once during the Songs Of Praise episode and was completely smitten. The next time he showed up was the Christmas Lunch Incident. Gerry misunderstood his desire to be married by her. She thought he was proposing... and she said yes. Geraldine obviously had it within her to fall for someone immediately. I'm guessing that the writers took this into account, assuming that the audience would as well.


Geraldine obviously had it within her to fall for someone immediately. I'm guessing that the writers took this into account, assuming that the audience would as well

Indeed. The proposal scenes are the same, only this time around Harry actually meant Geraldine- so I think they had the Tristan episode very much in mind!

By the way, PawsLonesrvivr1, the new episodes are up on if you want to see them there

I hate the way you exaggerate. You always make things 50,000 times worse!


Crazy/Beautiful, thanks for that.

So I've just seen the new episodes... absolutely brilliant!! I haven't laughed like that in a long time. The proposal scene is quite like you said, mirroring Tristan's request. Very funny response from Geraldine!

Hilarious stuff, all the way through, and also quite touching, the send off.


So she does marry him? (I've only been watching on PBS, and they haven't been showing the episodes in order) I didn't think she would since they got engaged after what, 2 days?? What happened to her and David?
