Question about final series

I havent seen the last series but I know that the Vicar gets married. Who is it too? Is it Richard Armitage or is he just a short boyfriend Geraldine has?

Sounds like a bag of grapefruits to me, Mr B.


Yep Geraldine does marry Richard Armitage in the finale.


Thanks so much! I have to get it soon. I love Richard Armitage.

Sounds like a bag of grapefruits to me, Mr B.



Yes please please please! Tell us what you tihnk about it.

I went out and eventually bought all of the VoDs--just hysterical! Can still watch those over and over again. The epi with the Easter Bunny and Mrs. Cropley, when everyone gives up something for Lent! Tears in my eyes.

Yes, quote from Madding. I read the book after hearing it so many times. Enjoyed the book, and like I was telling someone else, hard not to have RA's voice in my head for Gabriel Oak. Think he'd be a great Oak!

I have wondered if they knew they the quote backwards, or just went with it anyway because it was just such a great scene as is.

I am smiling thinking about it. Thanks for that!

Whenever you look up, there I shall be -- and whenever I look up there will be you.


Rent it, buy it, whatever it takes. I know alot of folks have ripped on it, but it's a good, fun two-parter! I don't know how many times I have watched it, and it still makes me laugh and smile.

Whenever you look up, there I shall be -- and whenever I look up there will be you.

