Funniest Joke at the end???

Ok what is your fav joke at the end of each show? My all time favorite joke is the "Tinselitis"(spelled wrong)


Two Nuns and Mother Superior going to heaven having to answer one question each in order to go through the Pearly Gates.


Inflatable school, without a doubt


For me it's either the nun in the bath with the "blind" man or the two nuns in the car on the dark road in Transylvania when a vampire pops out.


hahahha Yeah I love this too


My favorite is also the one about the two nuns driving through Transylvania and the vampire.


The accountant joke, when Alice put the pencil in her mouth! What was the one about the soap?


It's got to be Tinselitis, that one has me in stitches every time!


How about the wonder bread contract in the Lords Prayer?


I don't know the tinselitis joke, but a cute joke was the interrupting sheep one (the knock knock joke). That was cute. Loved the 2 nuns and Mother Superior at the Pearly Gates, and dittos to the nuns and the vampire (I thought it was a werewolf though for some reason) on a Transylvanian road.

Sic vis pacem para bellum.


The one where Harry explains "a head/ahead" to Alice is my favorite. Followed second by the accountant's pencil.


yeah tinselitis and shredded tweet are my fave dibley jokes

ya great gullah!!!!


Is it just me with the mince pie stuck up Santas bottom? Just made even funnier by Alice saying she's not eating one if it had been up Santa's a**e


Loved the Invisible Man / Wonder Woman joke when the punchline was "I don't know but it REALLY hurt!"


That one was funny.

Bourne + Bond = Best Action Film Award


The blind man! "Nice tits!" It cracks me up just thinking about it.

I get the feeling you're violating somebody's basic human rights here...


The blind man! "Nice tits!" It cracks me up just thinking about it.

That is the other joke that Alice got.


What was the one about the soap? I never really understood that one.



Mine is the one about accountants who are constipated and they work it out with a pencil. Mostly because of Alice's reaction. lol

Dogs have owners, cats have staff.


The "Where's the soap?" joke- the second nun thinks the first one says "Wears the soap" as in doing something (which is rude I won't go into detail about here!) wears the soap down.



I really like them all. Alice is about my all time favorite idiot! The one that stands out for me is when the Vicar asks Alice what is the Capitol of France? Alice replies, that's easy..... F


Damn it, missed the Bugger!


So many good ones...I'd have to go with the Superman/Wonder Woman one just because Alice tells the vicar off for the joke - which she does seem to get, but finds it rude to insult the reputation of Superman and the Invisible Man (who Alice may or may not have met).
