MovieChat Forums > The Vicar of Dibley (1994) Discussion > Why is Harry's name so funny?

Why is Harry's name so funny?

Am I missing something?



I'm English and that's pretty much the joke - it's an odd, old-ish name and he's a handsome young man.

"...for richer or for poorer, may the force be with you, because you're worth it. Amen."


I don't find it that funny even though it sounds silly. I thought it might have something todo with the Kennedys?


Handsome he is!! That man could have any name and he'd still be beautiful!


What kennedy's? I don't remember anyone of that name in dibley.....


I just watched this episode (because of Richard Armitage I fully confess), and the joke about his name seemed to me to be centered around his middle name, Jasper. Geraldine made a comment when he said he didn't know the woman's middle name to the effect that maybe everyone would get a laugh out of her middle name too.

I can't figure this out because I remember the movie The Holiday from a few years back, and Rufus Sewell's name in that was Jasper as well. Hmmmmmm. I just don't get the joke.


I think it's just that it's an unusual name, and a little old fashioned. One might have a great-great uncle named Jasper, lol. But the funniest part about it is that even if it is an old-fashioned name, at least it's a good, solid name. Not something ridiculous like:


Which is supposedly what is listed on Geraldine's birth certificate for her middle name.


Good point, random. Maybe there's nothing at all funny about his middle name. Maybe the "joke" was just a vehicle to get to the truly funny middle name--hers!



But this is even funnier when one considers that VoD has used the "silly middle name gag" before. In an earlier episode, Geraldine confesses (to David, IIRC?) that her middle name is, in fact...... Boadicea. So perhaps they did a bit of a reboot on Geraldine's middle name, there, but we'll forgive them since Alice enjoyed the Mary Poppins-themed name so very, very much!

In case anyone's wondering about the name Boadicea:


Boadicea was actually her first name, Geraldine is her middle name. I think it's in the episode "Spring".

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


Your correct. In that episode she admits her middle name is Geraldine and makes David swear not to tell anyone that her first name is Boadicea. A Royal name I think because he refers to her good-naturedly as, Your Highness, once in a while after that.

The name with the Mary Poppins flavor sounds more like something Alice would have named one of her children.


I remember that! Seems like when I watched this "yummy Richard episode" the first time I thought her middle name was stated as something else in another show.

At any rate, I loved this show and wish it had never ended!


I don't get the joke either, if there is one... just watched this episode also because of R.A.... again, he gave a brilliant performance even though i'd say that it'd be more believable had the director cast a slightly older guy. Just my 2 cents. As for "Jasper", it's indeed quite unusual, but so is R.A.'s middle name "Crispin":)

~ grace


I agree with you that R.A. is really too young for Dawn's love interest. He's born in 1971 and she's born in 1957. The beautiful woman that shows up in the village definitely seems more the type for R.A. IMHO.

Ah, they have said that Geraldine was born in 1964. I'm listening to the wedding episode as I type. So that shaves 7 years off the difference between their ages, but not in reality, though, does it?

Okay now she's admitting to another 'full' name:

Geraldine Julie Andrews Dick Van Dyke Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Chim-Chiminy Chim-Chiminy Chim-Chim Chiree Granger. I wonder why they decided to change her name? They must have missed an opportunity to use it on one of Alice and Hugo's children.


I agree, the age difference is too great. They could have found a really handsome guy closer to her own age. Harry and Gerry's relationship just seemed creepy to me.


Its harry jasper kennedy.

I thought it was taking the mick of Jasper carrot.


Your comments tell part of it....yes, it's an old-fashioned name which would usually have been given to an "upper-class" the incongruity of a young handsome bloke having that name sends the class aspect up somewhat.....

but there is also an old song, slightly risque called "Oh Sir Jasper!" which was often sung on fun, social occasions..... which most people would associate with the name....

see here....


I linked it for you, bicyclebelle.


I guess I missed that it was supposed to be funny.

What I want to know is why Geraldine's name changed in the wedding episode. Yeah, it was funny-ish, but her original name was actually funnier.


"Her original name" is actually her first name. Everything else is just middle names.
But you're right. They forgot to mention her proper name in the wedding episode.Or maybe Geraldine changed it legally so that Geraldine is her proper name.

As for Harry, what I think it's funny is his middle name. Jasper is a really old name. A real grandfather sort of name. Like the old guy from the Simpsons,Grandpa's friend. And Harry is anything but old:)
Tough as has been suggested maybe this was just a device to get to the real funny thing: Geraldine's middle name.


I didn't know "Harry" was supposed to be funny. I thought it didn't suit him, but beyond that, I didn't pay it attention.

I thought it was much odder that he was an accountant. He's SO not the accountant type.

Then his middle name, Jasper, IS funny. Is that the part of the name you mean? It's funny because it's unusual and isn't what you'd call an attractive name. My grandfather's name was Jasper, and I always thought his name was odd and quirky. I mean, have you ever known anyone named Jasper?


It is not even vaguely funny. It is a nice name. The doggy next door is called Jasper.


I didn't get the joke of his middle name either, LOL! I just assumed it was an English joke of some sort.

VOD introduced me to Richard Armitage; I was watching it long before he was on there. I was so excited that they finally gave her Mr. Right. The show still cracks me up.
