Too much 'local' humor???

I adore this show but I find myself googling so many references to british personalities, mostly in the political arena. Anyone else have this problem? Like that Bremner quip during the radio show program.


I think for some viewers it isn't so much local humor, but that this show is is beginning to show its age (the earliest episodes will be 20 years old in a couple years). Most of the political and media personalities referred to were incredibly well known in Britain at the time (and the pop culture references progressed as the show did--remember the Spice Girls references from the late '90s?).

Rory Bremner, though, is still pretty well known for his impressions (mainly of political figures) and may still have a talk show. You should check out some of his impressions of Tony Blair, George W. Bush and BIll Clinton--they're hilarious.


Not only did I have trouble understanding some of the local humor when it involved British personalities, but there are still some words and phrases in these episodes that I not only don't understand, but don't know how to look them up since I'm not familiar how those words and phrases are spelled.
