MovieChat Forums > Time Team (1994) Discussion > Most Annoying Character of the Team

Most Annoying Character of the Team

While I'm sure he's a very amicable fellow when 'in situ' at a bar. Stewart Ainsworth has got to be the most annoying member of the Time Team. His bulbous nose and weak/catty character always seem to overshadow the work done by the feature diggers.

FWIW, one cannot be sure if he EVER changes his underwear on a regular basis either; this from the looks of his fellow team members who haphazardly end up beside him. One of my favorites is when Mick Aston (helicopter) had Stewart's bulbous nose directly in his ear and he (Mick) was looking for a parachute.

Like an an annoying neighbor, Stewart always seems to pop-up at the most inopportune times with the most ineffective information...

Who is your most annoying member of the team?


While he seems very likeable and makes a good fist of presenting the show, What is with Tony Robinson's hair? As one who has had "Time Team" presented in a haphazard and unsorted manner by his cable channel, Tony's hair appears in a different guise each episode. His crowning glory has gone through every manifestation from almost bald, through transplant(?) to long flowing locks a hippy would have been proud to sport and many more.

As each episode's Logo and theme music appear on my screen, I eagerly await Tony's head to appear so that I can gauge what tonsorial adventures he has been involved in.

I don't find this annoying at all, just interesting and intriguing. As stated Tony is a very effective presenter.

To be relevant to this thread, annoying-wise, I tire a bit of the knockabout bonhommie and banter between the Team in general.

Paradise is exactly like where you are now, only much, much better.


Not surprisingly his hair has changed over the best part of two decades. He is also an actor so his haircut/colour has sometimes been changed for different roles.


Tony. He's constantly making jokes on others behalf that are just the right side of being an insult. Makes me wonder how many times he have gone over the line when the camera wasn't there.

Also he's a slimy fellow. Whenever there's a good looking woman nearby he change attitude remarkably. I hate his smile and manners when he do that. Slimy little runt.

""Can you sex the skeleton yet?"



Yep Tony for me too....I know he's the Producer of the show and demands finds etc to make the show worth watching, its just the manner he goes about it questioning why they havent found the "Ark of the Covenant" in a muddy field in Sunderland when its pi**ing down and Geo Phys aint working...You can see on the faces of some of the others when he's jumping around in their trenches going "Is this IT a ditch and NO finds" that they're thinking "Go on you little prat, take a tumble" :-)

"Put your clothes back on Carol I can't concentrate" The Great Father Dougal McGuire






No Mate; here is the original title of the thread...

'Most Annoying Character of the Team'


How Funny that this thread was started by a 'YANK' from South Dakota, USA; LOL...

ALL THE BEST MY Fridnds, Time Team Members, & Mates...


Without a doubt Stewart is my favourite member of the show. His calm, friendly manner and intelligent insights offer so much to the program. I always look forward to his very valuable contributions and more often than not he is right in his conclusions.

Stewart is the best!


I totally agree with you! Stewart is amazing how he "reads" the landscape and draws his conclusions. He's a major addition to the team.

And about the original question: imo there are no particularly annoying members in the team. The only annoying person I have ever seen in the program was guest Sandi Toksvig during the live dig in York, series 7, episode 13.

If you are annoyed by the program, then don't watch it.


Personally, I think this thread is unneccessary and in bad taste.


You have the audacity to badmouth Stewart Ainsworth when you yourself are a weak shallow person?
