There are two styles of DVD listed on amazon uk: single volume and double volume. The single volume ones list more extras than the double volume ones. Does anyone know if they really have more extras? I was kind of assuming the double sets were just the same thing packaged differently, but I don't want to get a version without the behind the scenes stuff.


The discs are exactly the same. The double volumes are simply two separate discs and cases included in a box. You can view pics of the second box set (containing volumes 3 and 4) here:


Click on the pics at the bottom and note the special features on the box set match what's on the individual discs. Laserdisken.dk has pics of volumes 3-12 (i.e., box sets 2-6). Unfortunately, they are not for sale.


get somebody to rerelease SP, please..


The ComicStrip(1987) on DVD: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/comicstripondvd?e


Just so you now, each disc only contained 2 episodes, which was the same as the Video Tapes



The only bonus feature for Space Precinct that I've ever seen was on my old video copy of "Protect and Survive" and "Time to Kill" in which there was a mini making of featurette! The funniest thing was interviewing Jerome Willis (Cpt Podly) as he still had his whole animatronic face on, yet he had this really posh upper class English accent, it was hilarious! Safe to say I haven't thrown away any of my old vids because the DVDs are so rare and I still only own 10 episodes, 6 on DVD and 6 on video but I have "Time to Kill" and Predator and Prey" twice so only 10 not 12.

"I have a weakness, I like to lose control."


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