MovieChat Forums > Riget (1994) Discussion > Another DVD Question.

Another DVD Question.


I really want to see this series, though living where I do, this is impossible unless I buy it. The one I am looking at is this one:

Can anyone tell me exactly what I will be getting in this series? Will be All of Riget (The Kingdom) or just half of it. If anyone can reply it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.



You'll only get the first series with the Canadian set, which is slightly censored, I believe, though not much. Also, I think (senile/lazy) that they're cut up into more than the original four episodes for television viewing convenience. You can prob'ly get it cheaper from a discounter or on ebay. The subtitles are annoying (crammed into the corner of the screen), but as a whole it's better than the Asian imports of the first series you can get. But it pales next to the Danish Region 2 set, which has both Riget 1 and 2 set, with all the episodes their proper length, great extras, and is the best choice if your dvd player handles multiple regions.

For Riget 2, unless you get the Danish R2 Special Edition, you'll have to go with the fairly crappy Taiwanese(?) import, which is also readily available on ebay. Von Trier's monologues aren't subtitled, for some reason, and the subtitles that are there just blow. So, it's not ideal (oh, yeah: I already said " fairly crappy" and "blow"), but should do if you really want to see it. And they'll play on a Region 1 player, if that's what you have.

Good luck. :)

---Lepus Rex


The DVD posted at this website is a Region 2 DVD. I was just wondering if it plays on most Sony DVD players. I live in Canada and am not sure if it plays on mine. Can you answer that too? Thanks.

Pat G.


Yeah, that's the one you want, and is good to deal with and has my recommendation, for what it's worth. BUT... No, it probably won't play on your dvd player. Canada, like the US, is Region 1. The dvds you buy locally are encoded to play only on a Region 1 player. Region 2 is used in Europe, the Middle East, and Japan, and won't play on your average N.American dvd player. And there's like another 6 regions as well, PLUS region free ("region 0") discs, such as the Taiwanese Riget 2...

Let's see... I'm semi-retarded, but I'll try to explain... If you still want to watch the Danish Special Edition of Riget, there's software you can use to watch the dvds on your computer (provided your computer can play dvds, naturally, and you don't mind watching movies on a computer screen), or you can buy a nice (and more expensive) region-free player, or a Region 1 player that can be easily altered to play all regions. With the latter option, there are a number of readily available, and very inexpensive, dvd players. Maybe check out the forums at, if you're interested in this option. So, with the cheapest option (Hell, you just wanted to watch Riget, right?) you'd end up spending maybe $130.00 Canadian or less for the Riget set + the player.

Hope this helps,

---Lepus Rex



Well, with all that information, I have to thank you. For the time and patience. hehe. I have decided that I will only get the one from Amazon. Even though it may be different, I will just have to wait for something a little better to come out. The one is great, it's just too bad it won't play on my DVD player. Also, I do not have a DVD-Rom, so it does not help me too much. Once again, thanks for the help.

Pat G.


Lepus, if you're still around, what's a good deal on the special edition of Riget. I'm a buyer in the US but I've got a multi-region player, so I'm set, but this damn thing's tought to find. Right now I can get it for, roughly, $70 US. Is that a solid deal, or is there a better place to look?

"And then here you are....and it's a beautiful day." - Marge Gunderson


I bought mine from,, for about $70.00 (inc. shipping). I like dealing with them, but their site is all in Danish. Which isn't a problem, if, unlike me, you can read more than a few words of Danish. But you can email them if you do have problems. Very helpful people.

It seems you can get it cheaper(about $50.00) at, and they claim that their prices include shipping?! ("FREE DELIVERY WORLDWIDE ON ALL ITEMS!") Damn, that's nice. There's a handy English version of the site, and you can view it with US prices, but, oddly, you can't find many Danish films unless you search in the Danish version of the site.

Ah, and it's a couple of dollars cheaper at (289 kroner), but it's out of stock. Site's in Danish, as well.

Ah, and maybe check eBay, as well. There's usually a few copies of the r2 set for sale there.

Good luck...

---Lepus Rex



Thanks a lot, bro, I appreciate it.

"And then here you are....and it's a beautiful day." - Marge Gunderson


For those who may be ineterested, I'll vouch for I just ordered the 4-disc set from there and it arrived in the mail within 5 days (I live in the US) and the shipping was completely free. Fantastic site to deal with, they definitely get my thumbs up!!

"And then here you are....and it's a beautiful day." - Marge Gunderson


Well, that's just insane. I'll have to try them. Thanks for the update!

Oh, and how did you like Riget?

---Lepus Rex


Oh, and how did you like Riget?

Have only been able to catch the first two episodes, but have loved it thus far!! I'm planning on watching an ep. a night, I figured that would probably be the best way to go about it.

"And then here you are....and it's a beautiful day." - Marge Gunderson
