They all cheat!

Julia, Griffin, Charlie, Bailey... all cheated! Some more than once.

What's wrong with them? Lol... and Julia falls for almost every guy (and one time girl) that she meets! They have serious issues.


Yeah nothing realistic about people cheating on others out there in the real world. We're one big lot of saints.


I'm no saint but I've never cheated. Or been with a guy who has a girlfriend/wife which the Salingers also seem to have no problem with... lol


Who else other than Rosalie did Griffy shack up with?


I don't think anybody else...


Except for Charlie, they're all supposed to be TEENAGERS - what do you expect?!?


Hmmm... didn't know people would get defensive about my observation.

That's pretty stereotypical... Being a teenager doesn't automatically make you at risk for being a cheater.

I simply observed throughout watching re-runs so close together how often the Salingers cheated on their partners. How often do you watch a show where almost all of the main characters have cheated? Maybe those aren't the ones I'm watching.


Defense comes in all forms, you defended your position by saying you don't cheat. The thing is a huge percentage of people cheat, some don't mean to and others do.

Drama, television.... they generally rely on stereotypical. The simplest example of cheating is found on every single soap opera every televised. The question there is how many DON'T cheat on others. Party of Five was an evening type of soap with extra bells and whistles. I don't know enough about today's young shows but they surely HAVE to have many that cheat on others. If shows like 90210 or Melrose Place didn't have that kind of personal conflict they probably wouldn't have stayed on the air for long. I realize this is stereotypical but you put a bunch of pretty young television characters together you're bound to have all sorts of problems, and one that can go on and on forever are couples and their breaking points.


I agree, felbertmindfoto. OP, we didn't mean our repsonses as a "knock" to your post, but where would the drama be in a show where everyone acts like angels? You have to watch The Brady Bunch for stuff like that :-)


Good points. I realize a LOT of shows go through a "cheating phase" like Season 3 (I think) of Sex and the City, or the whole Ross/Rachel thing in the earlier seasons of Friends because it is a real life situation a lot of people have been on either end of. But after a while it loses it's "shock value" when it's overdone. Like Party of Five. Oh so-and-so cheated. Oh so-and-so hooked up with someone involved with someone else. Oh Julia fell for another guy who looked at her.


Six Feet Under made that same mistake

I know alot of people cheat but I disagree with these shows that have single character cheating on someone.
