Love this show

I bought my bootleg copy about two years ago. I didn't really get into it the first time. Now in 2015 I finally decided to watch all the way through and I find myself addicted :) it's a real shame the show was overlooked and cancelled so quickly. I will admit it seemed like the writers were fumbling for ideas towards the end. Sara's transition from innocent Iowa girl to drinking, doing drugs and getting knocked up by a priest felt a teensy bit forced. However, the show is so campy that you can.'to help but be entertained by the models chaotic lives. Poor Kerri is constantly thrown to the wolves lol




While I think the writers had severe issues about women in general, Carrie has to be the character they hated the most. She really was one of the most miserable things in existence and her ending in "hooker hell" is a really fitting fate for her.


I actually loved Sarah's transition, that made the show for me. Before that she was boring and too goody-goody. Yeah, the writers did get a little lost at the end. Julie's sister was not interesting and her storylines didn't go anywhere. Carrie being sold into sex slavery came out of nowhere and it's really a shame that was never resolved.
