
I don't know if anyone will ever find this... Ah, well. I had a read at the comments people have made and noticed how many people said they wished there was a DVD of The High Life.. Well, those of you who haven't already done so, mark the date "28th of April" in your diaries. I read an interview with Masson saying that it's hitting the shops then.

Finally, I get to see Alan Cumming sobbing "Nil pwants" again!!


No, really?

April this year? Where did you hear this? Do you have a link to the interview?

Please tell me you're not pulling my leg...


I am not pulling your leg, I have a copy now in my DVD player. If you have not already done so, go and harrass your nearest HMV/Virgin/Borders/whatever. My local branch sold every copy within a few hours of putting it out on the shelves, so be prepared to order it.

If further proof is required, go to and look for cult programmes. There's a press release there. I would link it but I am technologically inept.


Great 'extras' too - an Alan Cumming interview from 'Pebble Mill' and the 1993 pilot (no pun intended!) which they interestingly remade as episode 4 - fascinating to campare the two versions.



Thank Heaven for the DVD!!! I'm soooo glad I bought it


KONG BITES HIS HEAD OFF in a PG 13 kinda way!


yes ive got it toooo and i just keep watching it over and over it soooooooo funny. Alam cumming really is brilliant!

' i want the fairy tale '


I've come to a dilemma in my life...

I'm a straight man, but Alan Cumming is really quite attractive in this...
I've bought the DVD and find my hand creeping towards my pants when i see the eyeliner dripping down his face.

A Very Disturbed Man.

"I'm not queer or nothing, but depeche mode are a sweet band!"


Haven't seen hide nor hair of the DVD in NZ yet...shame, it was a brilliant series. Peculiar characters...and very stange dynamic between seb and
