MovieChat Forums > Ghostwriter (1992) Discussion > questions about show and general comment...

questions about show and general commentary

hi team, LOL:

just a few q's...thank goodness to youtube and posting these old episodes back up, in the ep. whats up with alex? who was stealing stuff from lockers? my assumption was that kevin stole stuff and then spencer maybe or maybe not knew kevin was stealing things, but he knew big ralph had a trunk full of stolen stuff, thanks to GW, though, i always knew what a fence was. :D i also thought spencer was kinda handsome too,..was i the only one on that? also, i rmmber when this show came on, and that cliffhanger they did whether alex would smoke the joint or not...whoaa...big deal...whats alex going to do?!
the ending also i rmmbered, about that a kid, watching that, it was kinda scary.

that ep. with that girl from mozambique (i also learned about mozambique and portugeuse in this show, LOL) was kinda scary, too.

i think the show (looking at the copyright dates) was taped sometime before it aired, like i rmmber i would watch it when i was 11 or 12, maybe even was on for a while during, i think 94-96?? but the show had been taped much earlier. im 25 now, haha, i still think this show was great, if they brought it back with the same cast (obvs. unlikely, id totally watch it, but only with the original cast...and i never liked how they changed gaby..i was shocked. the cast wasnt the same then.)

i rmmber thinking the mr brinker ep was weird..with the dark apt at lenni's and how jeremy miller was never seen again. (thanks to wikipedia and on here, too, it was apparently the pilot? what, where they going to do some flashback of ghost story at a later time?)

also, i rmmber when the slime monster episode aired, and i too, i guess always waited for a new episode then i assumed they took the show off the air. old PBS days were the best. they had a lot of great programming...ghostwriter was great (but now, of course you can see some big flaws), but i rmmber wishbone and thought that was a funny show with that talking dog.

regarding big flaws, in the who's who ep...where was the paparazzi? completely nonexistent in the early 90s? lana would let a random girl answer fan hand? they had computers back then too? and wouldnt she get more than a few letters? didnt she have a president of a fan club to do all that stuff? and she went to a small tailor shop (tina's mom's place) instead of getting it professionally designed?

and in that ep. where lenni does the music video (that song is catchy, very positive, i loved lenni's crazy style, knowing, that only she could pull that off, she had this awesome coat in that smile monster episode), the head of smash records randomly talks to hector about personal stuff? and btw, did alex and tina ever really 'go out'? did the team ever know? did he just get over her? i always thought their relationship was so cute :D also, come to think of it, its probably one of the few times you see FRIENDS hanging out together on making out, just a kiss here or there in the show, very clean. yay PBS.

also, in the beginning theme, is it lenni's voice who says 'ghostwriter'..followed by the WORD?? i always loved how alex at the end was like 'ghostwriter...what a trip!' haha

LASTLY...anyone else note that at least in the slime monster ep..tina's style totally changes? she was pretty trendy. and whats up, in general, with all of these kids randomly being able to travel around various parts of brooklyn at apparently anytime of the day or night? you didnt need a telephone or email in this show, ghostwriter kinda took care of all that, haha! just call a RALLY and there he was!

watching this show again made me realize how awesome it was and how much i missed it..aww..those were the days...i wonder why though no other company picked it up...

thanks for anyone who can help or would like to comment! sorry for the long note!!

~*but are you that clever that you smile forever?*~


hi again!! lastly, i just wanted to say it always annoyed me how slow everyone wrote on the show..i know they could write faster! and they all had really good handwriting! haha..even kevin, mr 'i do drugs' had great handwriting! hahaha

~*but are you that clever that you smile forever?*~



I think the "What's Up With Alex" was filmed sometime in 1993. I first watched it when I was in sixth grade, so it would probably have been filmed sometime around then.

I think I read somewhere that the Mr. Brinker episode was filmed before "Ghost Story," which I believe is hailed as the pilot episode. I can believe that, because when I watch Mr. Brinker's episode, the kids do look a little younger in it than they do in the other episodes.


Mt. Brinker's Store was the original pilot and was taped first. However, the producers decided they wanted an episode that explaied how the gang met Ghostwriter and came together, so they went and filmed Ghost Story to be the preimire episode. That's why Mr. Brinkers store looks so different. In that episode, the kids are younger and the filiming was done with actual homes and buildings, rather then sets on a soundstage. The guy playing Craig was removed from the show because he had a gig on another show and because they felt he was too old to be on the team.

- Beja974
