Character Fun

Just for fun, let's try to guess each character's favorite tv show, movie or book

Chandler's fave book: Catcher in the Rye
Joey's fave tv show: Bosom Buddies
Phoebe's fave movie: This is Spinal Tap
Ross's fave tv show: Wild Kingdom
Monica's fave movie: Never Been Kissed
Rachel's fave tv show: Beverly Hills 90210


Chandler's fave movie: Titanic. He was bullied by his friends and family since he couldn't cry to the movie


I thought his favourite movie was Miss Congeniality.


Omg I forgot about that lol. He has good taste


Joey cried any time someone mentioned Titanic. Those two had only each other!

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Chandler's fave book: "Not My Father's Son"
Joey's fave TV Show: "Baywatch"
Phoebe's Fave Movie: "A Clockwork Orange"
Ross' fave TV show: "Walking With Dinosaurs"
Monica's fave movie: "Joy" - the story of the creator of the miracle mop
Rachel's fave TV show - "Fashion Police"

Hello there!


Not to burst your bubble, silverponygirl, because I enjoy your posts, but Chandler's favourite book is the Velvatine Rabbit. It's stated in The One with the Halloween Party.

"But my job's fun too - I mean, tomorrow I don't have to wear a tie." - Chandler


Couldn't it be different categories? I hadn't seen the episode in a min. But didn't Monica say it was his favorite "Kids" book.

Anyhow, Joey's book is The Shining.
And Rachel's was Little Women.

They traded in season 3 TOW Monica and Richard Are Just Friends.

And Rachel's favorite movie is apparently Weekend at Bernie's, according to the trivia episode. lol

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


That's okay... This post was just for fun :) You get to be funny and fill in the blanks based on their odd characters.

So Chandler's fave book was The Velveteen Rabbit?? Lol I guess I don't remember what episode that was revealed in. But awww...I love Chandler!


Phoebe's favorite show: "How to get Away with Murder" because she's looking for tips.
