MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Would Monica have considered...

Would Monica have considered...

Getting engaged to Pete so fast if he hadn't been a millionaire? She didn't come off as shallow generally but seemed to almost push herself to like him once she found out about his money. I can't imagine her having considered getting engaged to any of her other boyfriends after 3 weeks though. Thoughts?

And that's why..... you always leave a note.


Sorry to do this to you girls but every man knows that money is a powerful aphrodisiac for you.

Don't pretend it isn't.


Money (or financial security, really) is an aphrodisiac to ALL HUMANS. I've never met one man in my life who wouldn't date a rich woman...It just doesn't happen as often because fewer women are independently wealthy the world over. But imagine if as many women as men were rich...Then men would be called gold diggers too finally! LOL


actually looks are more important to men.
wealth is the most important thing for women, dont believe me? check this study

men have no problem dating a very poor woman, but most women wouldnt want to date a poor man.

women are not as caring about looks as men, while men really could not care about a poor woman as long as shes hot. both genders are shallow in different ways


Actually I can't imagine being with anyone if I'm not attracted to them. I see some of these young 20 year old women with 70 year old guys. YUCK!!! If some old, wrinkly, 70 year old woman (but rich) was after me I physically couldn't even bring myself to touch her. It just grosses me out. It is incomprehensible to me how someone could have sex with someone they find physically hideous.

That's why I've never been able to get my mind around prostitution. I'm sure some of the men are decent looking but there must be tons of absolutely tons of hideous, fat, awful looking guys that will pay. I just can't get my mind around doing it with someone you don't find attractive in any way but rather someone who is revolting.

As someone else pointed out men are more into looks and as I've laid out my feelings.....I've got to find them attractive in some way. I'd say this would be much, much lower with men due to the way they are wired differently.

I still recall Anna Nicole Smith (the Playboy Bunny) marrying that shriveled up, pale, crypt keeper looking 90 year old guy. Are you kidding me? How can she even touch him intimately without vomiting? So, I suppose I get the attraction to money to a point but after that point goes to far I can't even relate as a human being how some "financial" relationships even happen.


I just can't get my mind around that. How, how, how? I don't care how rich someone is. How can you physically even go through with that? I'm totally dumbfounded. There has to be some physical attraction.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


Every man, if that's what they think, which I doubt, is wrong if they think money is a powerful aphrodisiac for every woman.

In fact, about Pete specifically, his money wasn't an aphrodisiac for Monica. She liked him, thought he was a good and decent guy and liked him a lot, but she just wasn't attracted to him, even after she found out he was very wealthy. Something, I forget exactly what, happened afterwards (I think they kissed? or something like that) that made her change her mind, and she became physically attracted to him. The deal-killer was his ridiculous obsession with involving himself in becoming some ultimate physical champion, for which he was obviously unsuited, and was very dangerous.

I agree with Lexi, wealth (and therefore, supposedly, security and ease in life) is a perk. If you had the choice between a wealthy woman, with whom you were attracted physically, mentally, and emotionally, and with one with whom you felt the same, but wasn't wealthy, which would you choose?

I have a friend who has very little money. He's a dear and sweet person, with a great heart. Very kind, very sensitive. His now-girlfriend has quite a lot of money, has built her business into a multi-million dollar business. She's a go-getter (and good for her), but he isn't; it's her nature, and not his. But it's very clear to me that they love one another, and are suited, and I would never accuse him of being a gold-digger, because he's not. His previous wife wasn't wealthy; that's not what he's looking for. It was sheer luck that these two hooked up, with her being the wealthy one, instead of him.

Many women who are gold-diggers (and I'm sure men too), end up paying dearly, if money is their aphrodisiac and main attraction to their spouses. What was the name of that film with Julia Roberts where she married an extremely controlling, abusive, and very wealthy man, and finally escaped? I used to call it Pretty Woman Part II, but can't recall its actual title at the moment.

This could happen with either a man or a woman. As Lexi said, it more commonly happens with a woman, as men still have -- in general -- more monetary success than women do. But the principle holds, either way.

I've had a number of wealthy men interested in me over my life, but it never trumped what I felt in my heart, so I didn't marry them, or even get involved for very long. Had they other qualities I was (and am) looking for, I would have.


Sleeping with the enemy.


What the hell is wrong with being attracted to financial success anyway? Is it any different than being attracted to big boobs? I mean, all people have desires and biology tells us that we're hardwired to pursue the most optimal mate...Boobs tell men that a woman is reproductively healthy and financial success tells a woman that a man will support his children. Needs are needs.

The dudes who accuse women of being money hungry are often the same dudes who would pick the girl with double D's. Lol


If you had the choice between a wealthy woman, with whom you were attracted physically, mentally, and emotionally, and with one with whom you felt the same, but wasn't wealthy, which would you choose?

That's a different thing.

What we're talking about here is an ugly wealthy person and a gorgeous poor person. Men will invariably go for looks, women for money.


Not me! I would go for a good looking poor man over a wealthy ugly man any day of the week. Women care about sexual attraction too! The holdup though is that many good looking men are also arrogant jerks which means women, who really don't want those arrogant jerks, have to seek out nicer, more compatible men... Aka less attractive men. Then, to compensate for the men's lower attractiveness, women will also look for other qualities and perks, such as financial security.

It's really just a natural thing thing we humans do in order to choose a mate which actually has something to offer us. Otherwise why bother having a mate at all? Especially for women...We women get stuck raising the kids, taking care of the home, and often putting off our own goals and ambitions to have a family....So if we're going to do all of that, don't we deserve the best man we can find?

Human nature.


I'm a girl and all my partners have worked regular jobs for crappy money, I go for the person and not what I can get out of're seriously generalising there.


Yeah, it's disgusting. People like that are infuriating.


Sorry but aren't you the one who started this thread by suggesting that Monica was influenced by Pete's money?

You're now saying it's generalising to say women do that?

Are you retarded?


I asked a simple question about a TV show and you just called me retarded, Painbow, your attitude is sh*t. Learn some manners you pathetic creature. Don't bother replying.


Don't post dumb *beep* then. Simples.


She asked if one woman may have been influenced by money, which is totally the same as saying EACH AND EVERY WOMAN ON THE PLANET is a gold digger.

I guess you have NO IDEA how enraging it is to be informed that money is an aphrodisiac to you because you're a woman. Freaking POS.


Where did I say every woman is a gold digger?

Are you also retarded?


Dude, just give up. You've already made yourself out to be a vile human being, why continue speaking?

And that's why..... you always leave a note.


Maybe it's because he's broke and has never satisfied a woman...


Is that the best you can do? Is it coz you're retarded?

Would you like me to PM you some insults you could use... that don't make you seem really retarded.


Just to let you know, calling us that word over and over doesn't hurt us, but it does make you look horrible.

By the way, I don't get off on insulting mens' virility, but you forced my hand by being the biggest cold shower I could have imagined; I figured there must be a reason you so actively enjoy turning off women.


Because making retards look like spazz monkeys is fun.

You're literally disagreeing with your own OP now. You've gone full retard. Never go full retard.


"Sorry to do this to you girls but every man knows that money is a powerful aphrodisiac for you.

Don't pretend it isn't."


You are telling the universal woman, or the OP, one or the other, that she IS drawn to wealth because she's a woman, end of. No exceptions. You're also saying that EVERY MAN knows this...two ridiculous generalizations.


No retard, I'm saying money is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Take your retardation for a walk now.


Your willingness to repeatedly use the word retard to insult people is both extremely childish and disgusting. Are you really incapable of defending yourself without resorting to an insult children use that is offensive to other people?


Clearly Painbow isn't smart and/or mature enough for that.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Says the biggest retard on the forum.

Everyone here thinks you're an utter cretin.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Because they're retards.


Man, you need to grow up. And understand that if you can't defend yourself without using such a disgusting insult, you have a really problem. The fact an adult is repeatedly screaming, "Retard!!!" is pathetic.


What exactly is it that you think I am defending?

Are you retarded?


The first post you made on this thread.

What is your problem? Does it turn you on to use such a disgusting word over and over? Learn some respect.


The OP started this thread by asserting that Monica was demonstrably swayed by Pete's wealth.

In her next post (literally the very next one) she claimed that believing that women could be swayed by money was a silly generalisation.

Spot the retardation.

Meanwhile that x wing pilot clown, said:

I have never, ever experienced this on an individual level and therefore don't understand why I would possibly care what that article says.

Essentially saying... if it hasnt happened to me, it can't possibly exist. Durr.



And you can point that out without spewing out a disgusting insult to anyone and everyone who responded to you. You can point that out without looking like an angry little kid and a jack ass.


But it was more fun doing it that way.


Oh. It's fun to use an insult that's offensive to far more people than just the ones you're saying it to.

You're pathetic.


Ah, so you're offended on the behalf of others.

Well that changes... um... nothing.


PC alert, SJW alert. A socially unacceptable word has been used. WARNING, WARNING....the PC crybabies and SJW's are in full "OFFENDED" mode.

A complete normal and legit word
less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.

has been deemed banned by the PC crowd and all living humans have been prohibited from ever using such word again or the PC crowd will be "OFFENDED" and deem you a "racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe etc." and also deemed a useless human without any worth or redeeming qualities and will root for you to be shunned from all society, fired from your job, life ruined etc. because you used such horrible, horrible, evil vocabulary.

You used a banned PC, SJW word therefore you are a worthless human being and should just go off somewhere and die. Calling someone a PC banned word in a heated argument is the worst thing anyone can ever do according to the PC warriors.

Someone, dear heavens......they might be, oh the humanity.....offended!
How will western society survive?

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


I'm so sorry I have a mentally challenged cousin thats had a hard life and I find it disgusting that someone thinks it's fun to call other people retarded. Especially over something as stupid Monica and Pete dating.

You're being a hypocrite as well. It seems like you're being offended by me offended by a disgusting insult. Do you like to call people retards too?


When someone angrily tells their child... "I'm gonna kill you."

Do you phone the police?


Yeah, it's really funny to mock disabled people.


Sorry but now you're just being ridiculous.

By the way, you do realise that a lot of children desperately fear being cursed. Your user name could be very triggering for them.

Fùcking hateful bigot!


I'm pointing out who you're similar too.

You could just admitted constantly screeching retard wasn't necessary and stopped doing it, but instead you make jokes and find it fun. Well, I'm sure the little bastards in that article found what they did to be fun as well.


Well, I'm sure the little bastards in that article found what they did to be fun as well.

You understand that that term could be horribly offensive to someone whose parents were unmarried at their birth, right?

And just to add - you're comparing assault with a word?


Stop swearing at me, you racist bigot.

Take your hate elsewhere.


First, the other guy used the word. Secondly, be offended if you want. Just don't expect everyone else to care that you are offended.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


Where did I say I expected anyone to care? I asked it him if he really needed to use it, and pointed out how pathetic and childish it is.

You didn't use it, but you seem to find it more of a problem that I find calling someone a retard is disgusting than the person who thinks it's fun to call people retarded. I wonder why that is?


This site really needs a slow-clap emoji.


Yeah, defending using disgusting insults is fun! I'm so ridiculous for finding it disgusting to use a term that people who are truly mentally challenged hear sometimes every day of their lives.


I defend allowing people speak how they want to speak.


So using racial slurs to someone to mock their race is okay to you? Cause they'd just be speaking how they want to speak? How about mocking someone who's truly mentally challenged by calling them a retard to their face? No big deal? As long as they get to speak how they want?

How about kids who commit suicide from being harassed with insults constantly? Were they just pathetic? Their harassers did nothing wrong? All they did was speak how they wanted to?

Maybe if you actually took the time to read my posts, you'd know I never even said he couldn't say what he wanted. I asked him if it was necessary and called him out on it being disgusting and offensive.

So did you choose not to read, or are you unable to read?


Yes, I think people should be able to speak how they wish. If we start going after language, you wind up with ninnies who want to get up in arms over pronoun usage. Oh, wait...

And I certainly see a distinction between targeted abuse, and an off-hand comment on a message board.

Maybe if you actually took the time to read my posts, you'd know I never even said he couldn't say what he wanted. I asked him he it was necessary and called him out on it being disgusting and offensive.

First, I'm not sure I said what you said. Second, I do think that it's a reasonable inference from your comments that you believe he shouldn't.


It wasn't an offhand comment. He repeatedly used the word retard to insult numerous posters.

First, I'm not sure I said what you said. Second, I do think that it's a reasonable inference from your comments that you believe he shouldn't.

Yes, I BELIEVE he shouldn't. That doesn't mean I said he CAN'T. See the difference? I think it's a horrible word to use, especially when insulting someone, and asked him why it was necessary and why he couldn't defend what he said and respond without constantly saying it. Nowhere did I say he couldn't say it. I hoped he'd be an adult about it and understand it's an offensive word that he doesn't need to say. Clearly he isn't mature enough for that.



Why are some insults ok [for you] to use, but others' use of other insults are not? You suggested I was illiterate and referred to people as bastards. Both of those could, potentially, be horribly insulting to some people, yet you casually throw those out there, but flip the eff out over another insulting word. Do you see the problem here? You, and many others, are forcing your own sensitivities on others and engaging in censorship. I believe that is wrong, and the perpetually offended, professional victims have taken things to where we are now.

And you continue to supply your own interpretation of things as fact, as though I said you said something you didn't. I never used "can't". Again, though, I think that is a perfectly reasonable inference to draw from your over-reaction. You may not have said that he can't, but you certainly imply it.


Oh, COME ON. People have taken it too far on both sides: the extreme oversensitive and the people who, because of that, don't believe ANYTHING should be considered offensive.

Nobody hates the absurd PC sickness more than me but that doesn't mean that some things aren't bad to say.

Did anybody fight anybody's right to say what they choose? No.

Did someone rightly call out somebody's disgusting use of a word? Yes.

Take your advice and deal with it.


So using racial slurs to someone to mock their race is okay to you? Cause they'd just be speaking how they want to speak? How about mocking someone who's truly mentally challenged by calling them a retard to their face? No big deal? As long as they get to speak how they want?

Racial slurs? No one is using racial slurs....what the hell are you talking about?

Mocking someone who is mentally challenged to their face? What? No was is doing that, what kind of insane tangent are you going on?

The poster was talking about YOU! YOU are the only one being described as underdeveloped or the way you are acting or responding is being described. If you are offended than it should only be for how YOU are being talked to. Made up racial slurs or you cousin, who is not here nor is being talked about nor is being described has anything to do with this. Your logic is so flawed you can't even be taken seriously.

You nor your cousin own this word. Sorry for you, that you seem to think that you do own it and all of its uses and meanings. Even events or actions can be retarded, they don't even have to apply to people. "The army's advance was retarded" is a real sentence and totally acceptable, it doesn't even have to apply to mentally challenged people even though it also means that. Here are normal grammatically correct ways "to retard" can be used: to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or delay academic progress by failure to promote.

Just because the mental development of your cousin (WHO IS NOT HERE AND THIS OTHER POSTER ISN'T TALKING NOR DESCRIBING!!!) is or has been retarded doesn't mean anything special about you. You don't get to latch on the this real term (many things can be retarded....movements, causes, advancements, all types of things included the mental development of people) and act like you own it and it can only apply to your cousin and act as if no one should ever use this real and legit term which can be a noun or a verb and act like if someone uses it to describe YOU than somehow your cousin has been wronged.

Totally ridiculous.

So this thread has nothing to do with your cousin, he/she wasn't ever brought up except by you, no one was racially slurred, all of your extreme made up claims brought up for no reason to somehow justify your faux outrage are just crap.

If this other poster feels you act mentally challenged and tells you so has nothing to do with your cousin. Things and people can be retarded, things, causes, movements and many other things can retard or be in a state or retardation and it is utter PC BS for you people to suddenly come along centuries after this legit word has existed and act as if no one is allowed to use it in modern speech anymore.

This word isn't bad. No one would condone using the specific, legit and grammatically correct word "retard" to ridicule or torment your cousin but since NO ONE IS nor HAS DONE that here than that situation doesn't apply and even if your cousin has ever been picked on by people and they used that word that still doesn't give them nor you any specific ownership of that word and it does not give you the right to expect others to not use it in other conversations.

Pretty lame of you to act offended on the behalf of your cousin that no one here knows and who no one is talking to or about when someone is talking about YOU.


If you want to get upset because YOU have been insulted that's fine. DO NOT tell us that this real word can't be used to describe you.

Hey, I support you if you feel put down because that other poster has said YOU were acting retarded. That's all though. You are justified in feeling personally insulted. (FYI lots of insults flying on the internet). You have no right to bright up your cousin who may be in a state of mental retardation and act as if they have been insulted in any way or have ANYTHING to do with a conversation between you and another internet poster. Total BS.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


Robert said he is defending being able to speak however you want. So I asked him if he would defend someone who used racial slurs or mocked a mentally challenged person because those people would also just be, "Saying what they want". Understand now? Not too complicated?

Your hypocrisy is amazing. So I can't call someone else out on using a disgusting word that is completely unnecessary, while also NEVER SAYING HE COULDN'T SAY IT, but YOU can tell me how can and cannot post? You can tell me what I have a right to say and feel?

You're a hypocrite. Take your own advice before dishing it out. It's also pretty funny that I can't be offended by a horrible word, but you are clearly offended by me being offended by it. You're screaming and ranting and wrote a full blown essay shrieking at me.


It's not a horrible word. It's just a word.

Truthfully I can't even remember what you two were arguing about and what he said....just something like "you are acted retarded" or whatever. Then you went on your "you can't use the word retarded" crap and bringing up your cousin as if that has anything to do with anything.

I just reviewed it. It appears you weren't even involved. He didn't call you retard. He/she said "No retard, I'm saying money is a powerful aphrodisiac."

He wasn't even talking to you. You then go on the horrors of calling someone retard.

Me hypocrite? How so? You hypocrite? Definitely. Your whole gripe is he said retard. So what. You're being a hypocrite because you imply that it would be ok if he/she said "No idiot" or "No *beep* or "No dicksheet" or "No dummy" or "No Asswipe" or "No sheet for brains" or "No moron" or "No you fool" chimed in as if something extraordinarily horrible occurred because they said "No retard".

That's political correct BS. He's not talking to a developmentally retarded person to begin with.....that's the insult. Implying they are challenged when they are not.

Sure, it's mean to call people anything. I don't condone it even though I cuss out my fellow drivers under my breath on the interstate all the time. I'm just pointing out PC hypocrisy at the sudden outrage because when he chose to insult the other poster (not you) instead of choosing one of the other insult phrases of which I provided lots of possibilities in my above list he/she chose one of your PC "instant offense" words.

I might share your outrage if they were actually picking on and belittling a developmentally challenged person.

Anyway, fine be offended because he got annoyed and called someone a name in an argument. You are just a hypocrite because you imply they are suddenly more of an evil person and suddenly despicable because he/she typed "No retard" instead of "No dummy" or "No you moron". That's just stupid BS.

He/she didn't go from just being rude to suddenly being "disgusting" because of using "retard" instead of *beep* or "moron" or *beep* or "imbecile".

I very rightly noticed your outrage wasn't over defending the other poster and saying they didn't deserve to be called rude names. Your response was being he called a name you don't like and frequently referred to the name they used as disgusting. That's hypocrisy.

Just take up for the other poster by saying they don't deserve to be called anything or let them know they've lost the debate since they so quickly resorted to name calling. You only objected to your PC word being used.

That's just BS. Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


You're talking like an idiot, for literally no reason. There is nothing for you to admonish CC13 for. Nothing.


I wasn't talking to you tie-fighter now go away. The force is not with you.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


I wasn't talking to you at first either. I replied to someone else, and you jumped in. So you can jump into something where nobody was talking to you, but someone else can't do the same thing? Man, you just go out of your way to be a hypocrite.


You said that money is a powerful aphrodisiac to you.

That means it definitely is, always, and the "you" is referring to women.

To re-clarify the OP's question, she was asking if money may have been a factor in one woman's decision; not stating, but asking.

You responded by saying the answer is yes because it always is.

I really don't care what you think; I'm saying what you said.

Ok, I care a little what you think. It's a stupid, common, and frustrating stereotype. But in the end it does not affect me.


it is scientifically proven women in general care more about wealth while men care more about attractiveness


I have never, ever experienced this on an individual level and therefore don't understand why I would possibly care what that article says.



So you're a closed minded fool who embraces the incredulity fallacy?

Good to know.


Ive never experienced seeing a rainbow in real life ever so therefore rainbows are fake...

you see how childish and silly that sounds? You might as well say that because you never experience racism therefore racism doesn't exist... like, how can you be so naive ?


Do you know why I said that?

Because what use exactly is a study that says women are more interested in money, and how accurate could that "study" possibly be?

Oh boy, I now believe that women are more interested in money and men are more interested in looks because a study tells me. My thinking has been swayed, regardless of what I've experienced in all my interactions with real people in real life.

That's useful to my life.

Are you beginning to understand this? By "individual" level I mean what I see in the real world, with actual people, not a small sample...again, how reliable would this little study's extrapolations really be considered?

My gosh, I couldn't care less if I tried. Thanks for trying to prove something to me, though. Didn't completely waste your energy at all.


Is not even about women being interested in money itself but they are interested in a provider. A man that can provide.

The same way men want to pick a voluptuous beauiful woman because of offspring. This is wired in us from cavemen times.. both men and women have superficial preferences. Both genders tend to look for similar stuff.

Im sure some women have no problem dating a homelesd guy (maybe you are like that)
But MOST women wouldnt date a jobless guy living at home with their parents at 40.
Just like most women wont date shorter men than them. Im sure you might have no problem with dating a short broke guy but most women wouldnt do that


One study isn't the same as "scientifically proven." And you also can't use "women in general" as proof that every woman always does something just because a majority of those surveyed do.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


it means that it is not just some crazy people online talking about something or making stuff up.
Everyone Knows guys tend to care more about looks and women tend to care more about wealth. the point of the link is that even REAL scientists went out of their way to do a study about this and even confirmed it from their one study.

You might say that one study is too small but that is something MOST people already knew.... the only difference is that it is now backed up by actual data.
men are shallow in beauty and women are shallow in money.... anyone alive could have tell you that.
But now we at least have scientists that looked at it, it is not just someone's opinion


It's a media gender myth like so many other media gender myths that people like you believe and parrot and say "everybody knows that" and cite ridiculous studies to "prove".


Is the same as guys going crazy for women'looks or body.

Does every single man pick a hot girl? No. Not evety man.

Do most men value beauty a lot? Yes. Men tent to follow with their eyes. Are all men superficial? No. But there is a precedent.

Is just like women dont go for short men... how a lot of women wont date someone shorter than them

Doesnt matter how angry you get. People will have dating preferences


Painbow, I think she's just asking about Monica specifically and not other women. Would Monica have gone for Pete without the millions....? Probably not. Because she wasn't attracted to him to begin with and without his money, he would not have been able to buy her a restaurant, thus she would never have fallen for him. He used his money to worm his way into her life. And it worked! For a while.. Lol


Monica really wanted a man and a family, so I think she would have considered any proposal thrown her way.


Monica really wanted a man and a family, so I think she would have considered any proposal thrown her way.

Yeah there's no indication she particularly cared about his money but Pete was into her and she was into the idea of marriage/kids so I'm sure she would have toyed with the idea either way.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Her mother had her self esteem so low that she would have said yes to any proposal I think. The others were the ones who made a big deal out of his money, not Monica. And, she hadn't been attracted to him until he kissed her, so her initial attraction had nothing to do with his money...


honestly i can't blame monica for this, she basically fell in love with the guy after that one kiss set off a spark and he pretty much had everything after that

she clearly wasn't in it for the money, having resisted so long, but it obviously didn't hurt. when you fall in love with someone who's already super-successful, loves you back and treats you well, topped with the fact that you're obsessed with marriage and proving everyone (well, her mom at least) wrong you're not gonna say no to a guy like Pete


I think this is the best summary.


monica never cared that pete was rich

it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons
