Favourite episode?

Mine is the one with the dollhouse


Probably the one with the embryos (which should really have been called the one where they swap apartments).


The one with the cop.


The One Where Everybody Finds Out. Odd choice I know!


Not an odd choice at all, that is my choice too.


I was being sarcastic. That is a fan favorite


OK, I got it. Sarcasm doesn't always translate well in the written word.


The one with Ross's sandwich


the One where everyone finds out.

Love that episode.

"they don't know that we know they know we know" LMFAO I laugh so hard when Phoebe says it.


I love The one where everybody finds out and the one with the football.


Episode 3:21 'The One with the Chick and the Duck'

It's hilarious for a lot of reasons but one interesting thing if you pay attention: They greet each other in the same exact way throughout the show, down to the same way of saying the greeting.


The One with the Prom Video


It's recently changed for me.

It used to be "The One with the Embryos"

I couldn't care less about the "embryo" angle of that show, I didn't like that plot line at all. I love the game they played over the apartments.

I've seen it so many times to where it isn't as funny to me as it used to be.

Now it is "The One Where Ross Got High" I love that episode. Ross "I was tricked into all those things", Mrs. Gellar "That's a lot of information to receive in thirty seconds" Joey "What's not to like, jam...good, custard...good, meat...GOOD!"

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


the Thanksgiving episode where rachel makes the trifle.
