MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Odd that Monica's cookies tasted bad

Odd that Monica's cookies tasted bad

She's a chef, cooking is her career. She even was told how good her cookies were when she and Joey were in that cooking class. Then, when telling Rachel she wanted to live with Chandler alone she offered a cookie for comfort and Rachel spit it out due to the taste. Not very consistent.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


I remember she made something with the mock-o-late that was disgusting, but that was an earlier episode than what you mention.

I don't really recall this scene.


It's when Monica is preparing to tell Rachel she has to move out because Chandler is moving in. She's wearing that baggy purple *beep* and everyone keeps thinking she's pregnant -before she angrily says she's gonna throw away the shirt lol

Anyhow, she sits down and offers Rachel the cookies, and Rachel spits wondering where she got them. Monica says she made them, and Rachel quickly tells her they're delicious.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


cooking and baking are actually quite different

cooking is more like art, you are allowed to be more free in the way you prepare your meal and how much of each ingredient you take

baking is like chemistry if you do not follow the recipe precisely you end up with something that tastes poorly

And perhaps Rachel didn´t like one of the ingredients. Ross didn´t like one badge of cookies too when they tried to figure out Phoebe´s Grandmother´s chocolate-chip-cookie recipe


Agreed. Monica was a professional chef. Her cookies tasting bad was just not that believable. Nor was it believable that her bouillabaisse was abysmal.


Even a professional screws up on occasion.


Yeah I guess so...but not Monica! She was a perfectionist. Especially at home in her own kitchen where there was no pressure.


She has her off days. For example, she's a Chef. She cooks for other people all the time, and has done catering.

But at Phoebe's party, she dropped her band-aid in Rachel's food. And one of Phoebe's friends had an earring in their sandwich. lol

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


Which episode was that in?? I never saw it! Jeez...sometimes I feel like I've missed half of this show due to network editing :(


Season 6, Episode 2.

If you type in the appropriate search terms (Monica, Rachel, Friends, cookies🍪), the clip is on YouTube.


This was in season 10. Phoebe is getting married, and she wants a stripper for her bach-party. The stripper turns out to be Danny DeVito.

And Monica makes a few mistakes in her food. lol

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


Wow. Yet another scene I have been missing all these years. Thanks Wildstyle. I'll have to see if Netflix includes that scene.


If you never saw it on tv, chances are high it's not on netflix either. I think they air the edited tv versions of shows. You have to get DVDs for uncut.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


Monica also somehow lost one of her false fingernails in one of the servings of the quiches (I think) when she was catering for an event for her mother.

She's wasn't infalible, but she was all the same basically OCD when it came to her cooking. It does seem unrealistic that her cookies were awful, even given that baking is more of a science than cooking in general is an art, given how precise she was. You'd think she'd have been able to bake at least a decent batch of cookies, rather than one anyone would think was so terrible, they'd spit it out.


I don't think I've ever met a cookie I didn't like! Lol I've had some homemades that were "healthy" and wetebt very sweet...Even then I didn't think it was bad enough to spit out! I mean, it's a COOKIE. Even the worst cookie is better than the best salad.


Unless it was made wrong. Like if the amounts of sugar and salt were switched on accident. My sister did that once. But knowing how OCD Monica is, I doubt she would make a mistake like that.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


Chocolate chip cookies?

Really? I mess those up all the time...they're so hard.

Come on.

Lamar Jackson for Heisman!


Yes, even chocolate chip cookies. Nobody's perfect, and people mess up the simplest of things all the time.


Yeah. And remember Monica was making them to give to Rachel when she tells her she has to move out.

So Monica may have been emotional and dreading having to have that talk with Rachel. She struggles with it for a bit, a good while after Chandler told Joey he was moving out. So he may have had her focus split, cooking and figuring out what to say to Rachel.

I can see it as a small goof though. Sometimes it happens just for a joke. But you could explain it away.

If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


Wildstyle26 wrote:

And remember Monica was making them to give to Rachel when she tells her she has to move out.
Possibly, subconsciously, Monica made the cookies inedible. Rachel just assumed that she could move into Monica's apartment. Now Rachel is assuming that she will just stay.Monica has reason to be annoyed at Rachel although I doubt that she would admit it. And that's even leaving out how Rachel has treated her brother.It is also possible that Rachel claiming the cookies were awful was her way of insulting Monica's cooking.I had not thought of it before, but I think I prefer the first interpretation.


Any even if the cookie was in fact bad, it wasn't a funny scene. What was so hilarious about Rachel spitting out a cookie anyway? I never laughed at that.


I was surprised her cookie wasn't good. I've never had a bad chocolate chip cookie thank goodness.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 
