MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Where would the Friends be in 2017?

Where would the Friends be in 2017?

Simple question: the show ended in 2004, 13 years ago. Alot of stuff has happened in 13 years. What do you think happened to the Friends after they went their own separate ways?

I honestly don't think it worked out between Ross and Rachel. Ross's neverending immaturity probably got in the way of their relationship. I'd say they got divorced around 2011 or something. Rachel got remarried to a wealthy man and raised their daughter, who also became a hot, ditsy, blonde cheerleader. Ross, on the other hand, is probably living his own life by himself. I'd imagine he'd still be a paleontologist somewhere, maybe even a professor and still lives in NYC.

Joey became a successful actor. Not really a famous actor like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt or anything, but he's played roles in notable films and has become successful. Also some roles in some shows, like a staring role in a Netflix show or something.

Chandler and Monica both became pretty successful together. Chandler's job in oil statistics or whatever got him relocated to the southern states, most likely Oklahoma or Texas, and Monica has since opened a few more locations for their restaurant. They live in a nice house on a beautiful property. Their kid is doing pretty good, too. They are a loving family.

I have no clue Phoebe is. She's so slippery that she's just gone.

I also don't think they keep a whole lot of contact between eachother, though it's because of how booked their time is, not by choice. I think if one of them were to start a reunion, it'd be Ross because he's lonely.



I don't think Rachel was any more mature than Ross, so if they wouldn't be together, they would both be alone.

I also don't believe Joey would be a succesful actor. Maybe he would have a role on one of those cheap online soaps.


So the show ends with Ross and Rachel finally getting together for good and you think they wouldn't have lasted? Okay then.

Chandler never once worked in "oil statistics", I don't know why you pulled that out of your ass or why you think he'd stop doing something he loved (you know, like advertising) for that.

Monica and Chandler didn't own a restaurant together. Why would Chandler get into the restaurant business? Monica isn't the kind of person who would have a restaurant chain. They also had two kids.

Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?


Ross and Rachel live in Milan together with Emma and another child. Rachel works at Dolce & Gabbana and Ross works at the Museo Civico Storia Naturale.

Chandler and Monica still live in the NYC area with their twins and Chandler having found great success in advertising and Monica quitting her job at the restaurant and now working as a caterer and at her own culinary school.

Phoebe and Mike have three kids together and live in SoHo and of course, all their kids are great musicians.

Joey is still waiting for his "big break" but is still on tv from time to time and is married to Erin(Kristin Davis) who no longer is "kind of a loner" and the two are happily married for 4 years now. {I know that there was a Joey spin-off but I won´t let that ruin the whole Joey storyline}


Joey is an actor in a UK/US sitcom that was butchered by the Americans, but had been a successful British show.

Chandler and Monica got divorced, he's a slob who lives with a clean and annoying friend. Monica lives with their kids and drinks large glasses of wine, got bad plastic surgery and is a cougar.

Phoebe became a therapist in the end. she's a bitch to get clients, but they seem to like it for some reason.

Ross changed his career and became a Hollywood lawyer. He became very famous for one case in particular.

Rachel continued to climb the corporate ladder, but it's known to be a bad boss...


Clever! Bravo, that is brilliant.


Thanks ?


Sorry, it was meant to be a smiley face, but it came up as a question mark...


i hope Chandler and Monica managed to have a child of their own, since she wanted one so much. I imagine she is still a succesful hostess, giving dinner parties etc. i always thought that Ross and rachel would probably move to the suburbs as well, ross i remember saying he wanted to, and they and Monica and chandler are probably neighbours, and see each other frequently. i think Ross and rachel should stay together, rather than annoying two other people. Joey and Phoebe probably visit from time to time. i can't really imagine Phoebe married, i always thought she should be a free spirit. joey will visit with whoever the latest girlfriend is. by now probably a good deal younger than he is. Wouldn't ross and rachel's daughter be a bit young to be a cheerleader? i don't really know what age they start. I imagine ross and rachel had another one, ross hoped for a second son, but would probably be happy with another girl. and of course even if they didn't see each other every day, they'd probably be chatting on the phone, going on facebook a lot etc.


No way would Joey ever be a successful actor.


He s successful,for a while, in the soap he was in. No reason he couldn't be a success in another soap.


Chances are one would be dead. Not sure why, but I would go with Ross Geller.


I honestly have no idea if Rachel and Ross would have made it work. I like to think so but probably with lots of therapy (no shame in it). I would believe they had another child. Probably just one more. I don't think Emma is a dumb cheerleader. I don't think Ross would let that happen. I mean if anything a smart cheerleader.

I imagine Chandler and Monica are doing great. Monica maybe has her own restaurant amd I like to think Chandler is doing some creative side business along with advertising. I would also like to think that they had a very surprise pregnancy at some point. I'm sure they are on the same PTA as Janice.

Phoebe amd Mike are still married with a bunch of kids in NY. Things are a bit tight but Mike's inheritance is sure helping. Their kids are probably brilliant.

Joey....? He's the big question mark. I don't think he is still acting but doing something in the field. Maybe Co directing low budget dramas. He's doing okay. Maybe he found the right girl? Maybe finally knocked up someone and is a father to a adorable little girl.
