credit scene

During the credits at the beginning, there is a scene which i just cannot place as being from any episode. It is in an interrogation room at the police dept and both Fraser and Ray K are stood up and the suspect is sat in front of them, but with his back to us. Ray K kind of jumps towards him with his legs and arms apart, as if to scare him. I have no idea which episode this is from so every time i see it, it bugs me. Does anyone know?


The first episode I'd look for this scene would be "Burning Down the House." I remember Ray K. was trying to scare this guy - an arsonist - partly to convince the arsonist that he was Ray V, and also to pump him for information about another arsonist.



It's definately not the one with the body in the wall coz i just saw that one. I know he is wearing that long pale coat in the scene. Yeah it may be the first episode of season three.
Thanks for the suggestions.


It is definitely from 'Burning Down the House'. Just to confirm for you. :)


Yep, absolutely right, it's from 'Burning Down the House'.


Thanks, guys. Will have to wait for the DVD release to catch it.
